Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
personally im a fan of tom
and definitely toffee
kool thing about the monsters in star vs is theyr not really the bad guys. the war between mewmans and monsters is legit a formal war over resources and if anything the mewmans are the bad guys
i like moral ambiguity

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi
cartoon appropriation for using cartoon gifs without watching >W> (jk jk)

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi

Ghost @kuharido Am I supposed to be the giant and you the black haired elf?

Lamby @momoichi black haired elf? you've never seen adventure time? and im the rock giant

Ghost @kuharido nupe, was turned off by the art and I think it came out when I was in my "show/movie snob" phase

Lamby @momoichi you gotta give it a second try. the first season is like the usual kids show but man does it turn into something else. iv cried and laughed and hurt and shipped. its my favorite cartoon. to give you a hint into how dark/deep/creative/abstract it gets pendleton ward based the show on the dnd games he would have with his son

Ghost @kuharido eehhh...........

Ghost @kuharido I'm sorry that's my natural response. If it's with someone else I'd watch it but on my own I'm kinda meh.

Lamby @momoichi missin out my man. it pioneered the cartoon renaissance and is the peek example of what a cartoon COULD be if given the right care.

Lamby @momoichi if thats what it takes i could watch it with you. do you watch any younger cartoons? like gravity falls or star vs foes?

Ghost @kuharido thsoe shows look pretty good I would probably watch them given the opportunity.

Lamby @momoichi i could give you a list of great cartoons to give a try >w>/ if your just starting to dip your toes into younger cartoons id recommend gravity falls as its only three seasons and its great from the first ep up, no build up. alex hirsch is a wonder, he's also great friends with justin roiland (the real brains behind rick and morty, no matter what dan harmon will have you know)

Ghost @kuharido Nah, I'm good. I watch a lot of stuff on my own. Like I said I'd probably just watch them with a friend.

Eh Ban me @tsunpaper
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Eh Ban me @tsunpaper

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It's easy, send me a DM with the details and I'll explain you step by step the how's to

Veru @verucassault Yes.... YES.. feed the audience. wE wAnT MoRe....

Veru @verucassault MOOOOARRR

Ghost @kuharido Gimme a bit. Must consume nomz

Lamby @momoichi
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Lamby @momoichi

Ghost @kuharido Aww, how sweet

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Ghost @kuharido Thanks fam, let's see if I regret this.

Ghost @kuharido Oh man I can't figure out the form. Need to watch a video on it XD

Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
This account has been suspended.

라이언 (ARCHER) @truffle
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라이언 (ARCHER) @truffle
Feb 13-15
May 29-31
Oct 30-Nov 1
Feb 13-15