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Rennik Sadorn

27 year old Male
Last online 3 months ago
Plymouth (Devon), United Kingdom
This is often the one thing that an 'audible number' of DOOM Eternal's Slayer community deems a viable threat to their entire Slayer career. Rendered/posed in Source Filmmaker.
"Found something." - Noble Six, Halo: Reach https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/534078103551737892/692781328281763910/A_fine_addition_to_my_collection.mp4
Completed DOOM Eternal.
A reminder and word of urgency for some: if you find any 'TWDNE' images I shared to be to your liking, feel free to save them and edit them. The next time you check they might not be the same images anymore, because that's what TWDNE's like every time it's maker updates the algorithm behind it.
Some quick doodles I just did. http://a.nime.me/0183/9209/flattened_car_comf-wrap_on_nerdy_girl_being_adorable_and_squishy.jpg
I should mention this. A fake profile messaged me a while back with this. I checked their profile and their 'about me' page had a different URL in it.
It's been about 4 days since I last posted anything so I'll start rambling. Subject: Exams. More specifically, exam papers. Sources: Me, my experiences (circa Secondary school, mainstream exams). I personally am not really in favour of them because from my awareness and what I see, and have seen, they do the following: -Segregate (loss of free time). -Isolate (more time spent studying, pressure to study, inability to call out or collaborate). -Delete pack mentality (better known as 'teamwork' or 'friendship'). ...And more I have not mentioned - including some extreme, tragic scenarios. This (to me) leads to less people working as a group to earn enough to get a place for themselves to live life cozily thanks to sharing of tasks. Alas, exam papers (from general education) do not teach anyone anything other than the status quo, especially to-and-for the people who mark them, except that X people follow instructions clearly, Y people cannot, Z people showed 'unique results'. There's also a heavy dose of expectation around it, as it is designed to dictate your future, your fate. To get anything below a minimum passing grade is essentially to be viewed as expendable hardware. Exam papers to me need to be a lower priority than, say, the culinary/cooking course that, from what I remember, was merely optional. ...Or writing, drawing, by hand. I would say more but I pre-edited this to try and keep it to the subject. The rest I culled was about my experience with the futile efforts in seeking out a relationship. On the only remnants of that tangential note to wrap this up: This is my experience and perspective, and based on what I hear. If it doesn't match up to what you think I should be hearing, then it is probably a problem of locale. The tangent itself: In today's society, the chances of being deemed offensive due to just saying that you're looking for a relationship if you're a man (like me) are 99% higher than ever.
Something to mull over: Sword Logic (from Destiny - the game Bungie tried to make a vast universe with, and - to me - fail to convey ingame despite there being visible signs of -something). The Hive - a race transformed and reliant on violence, murder, everything that 'takes' to live that one extra second - rely on Sword Logic: You cut something? Thing you cut it with becomes sharper. You bruise yourself? You become more durable. And, in extreme cases, death? Stuck in the Ascendant Plane in your own Throneworld, where you're at your weakest/strongest. This doesn't apply to everything but the principle is vivid: To exist is to have already won the biggest bossfight of all. //The tangent begins here. Only now you're stuck with (dealing, depending on your mindset) with the ones who did the same, or cheated their way and expect the same results. ...Except the win condition is controlled by a cosmic diceroll, and in the unknowable numbers of other timelines, the you that you know is you here isn't the you there. For all anyone can fathom that next-door timeline could have magic and you'd be a dragon serving as an air-taxi service in order to hoard coin. To put what I've said into a cohesive nutshell: -Sometimes letting something happen, or making something slightly out of your comfort zone occur and knowing it'll do you good in the long-run at the cost of slightly unsatisfactory short-term effects, is the best decision one can make. -Listening to the one causing you an inconvenience, and then asking them 'why' - take an interest into what drives them, make them stumble on their own tail. -In most cases, many are not worth 'listening' to. It's not easy, but it -is- possible to be selective about what emotions you feel from seeing squiggles/shapes/formations we know as 'words' being printed-out by what you could determine to be a MOB or NPC, since this is the internet and is not tangible at this time. -Regardless of your circumstance, you are not alone~. Someone, perhaps someone you actually know, is rooting for you. If not in this world, then in another. -If you have a bodypillow with a character on it, know that somewhere in the multiverse, there is someone else with a bodypillow of your likeness.
"From this time forward, [my posts] will [instead have comments based on comments I spot in the activity feed]." - The Borg, Star Trek. Some of the residents here on this site, though it may be but my viewpoint, appear to have more events/occurrences/immersive_questlines(?) going on. Example: someone posts a nice pixel art girl, and then explains the circumstances about a female he became good friends with online, only to discover that she had a thing for cannibalism, and identified her as yandere after the fact. I won't question the legitimacy of some occurrences - such as that, because there are strange people out there - because there has been weirder. Like a person-sized AOE of rain. Or people being, in real life, displaced into adjacent timelines/universes. Or a case of -hearing- an alt timeline where a guy had a GF from the view of the guy who -didn't- have said GF when his friend asked him about it even though the line was supposed to've closed. Or children being 'reincarnation story' protagonists (for a limited time). How did I come across any of those circumstances? YouTube TTS voiceovers of Reddit posts. That being said, I sometimes wonder if it's possible to manipulate paranormal occurrences into something favourable - like making a spirit of a lewd feminine entity haunt the daki in the room. But by comparison to asking 'LF thicc gamer GF' (which I basically never do because seriously, it only embarrasses my name, my face, and amuses onlookers who empathize or otherwise enjoy the shortcomings of others), asking for the paranormal to do such a thing is even less possible than that. I'll wrap up this post with a reminder: Hormones are surprisingly powerful at certain peak times, which seem to occur at an irregular every-few-months pattern. I say this because those have driven me to try dating sites after a dozen or so people suggested that route. And none of those really gave any tangible results. So I'm here. With no 'undo' button, and a loss of desire to find that 'undo' button because... To be honest? Who knows who'd find this and decide to go yeredere* on me? *It's a nonlethal, nonviolent 'strain' of the yandere trope.
In lieu of machine-learning-generated art, as mentioned in my post yesterday, I've come to an alternative conclusion: to post two draw-overs of myself. Note: one of these is with the hair tied at the back for a more professional appearance; it is also the more detailed of the two. Furthermore, if there is a lack of posts, that does not mean I am inactive - it's just that I haven't a clue what to actually post... ...Actually wait, no, I -do- have an idea on what to post for the future, but I'll make it a separate post to this one.