chinamini @chinamini
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chinamini @chinamini
oh.. loose control. Damm typos.
chinamini @chinamini
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chinamini @chinamini
"I loosed control means,
I loved her so much that I could not hold the control with both hand"
Just kidding....loooool
Cause I'm generally melancolic, but yet happy.
I care less about my face now...
I'm done with immature mind girls/boys already.
Spontaneous. Is so good to be.
Yet I'm so dense out there in real world.
Ganbatte Key!
chinamini @chinamini
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chinamini @chinamini
I felt for her too.
Yuri love! lol.
I really love her. Almost finished persona 4 Ps2 Original voice verstion.
I had control issues. No more...
ganbatte key.
yosukexjiraiya @yosukexjiraiya
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yosukexjiraiya @yosukexjiraiya
Awesome chie profile pic! Best girl in P4!
chinamini @chinamini
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chinamini @chinamini
" I'm pretty sure that if a hobby is all the two of you have in common, it probably won't go far. "
So ka na?
really? Is like a shoot in the dark room but in right direction to me.
Because a 200% otaku, will never give up his hobbies jus for sex..
If sex is the union,(like most couples today) a weak bound is made, and the children reforce the bounds.
But is almost too sad to see a married woman frustrated face, makes me want to cry.
Sailorvenus2013 @sailorvenus2013
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Sailorvenus2013 @sailorvenus2013
Lmao its going perfectly
Key @key17
Key @key17
How's everyone today?? I made login in to this site on of my morning rituals.
Shiny_Byeol @kakazi63
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Shiny_Byeol @kakazi63
Yo welcome to this site!!!
Key @key17
Key @key17
So many lolis everywhere!!
Key @key17
Key @key17
I literally cried for the first time in ages the first time i saw d2b VS DEARDROPS...