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Sailorvenus2013 @sailorvenus2013
Sailorvenus2013 @sailorvenus2013

Felt like I ruled the world last weekend lmao

Sailorvenus2013 @sailorvenus2013
Sailorvenus2013 @sailorvenus2013

Drew this for a friend. I'm not the best artist by all means

Sailorvenus2013 @sailorvenus2013
Sailorvenus2013 @sailorvenus2013
Hey you! I've been alright, you?

Yellow Otaku @yellowotaku
left a comment for
Yellow Otaku @yellowotaku
Hi, long time no talk! I hope you've been well.

Yellow Otaku @yellowotaku I've been good and been busy working so I sometimes log in just to check things out.
Why Did You Join MaiOtaku?

Sailorvenus2013 @sailorvenus2013
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Why Did You Join MaiOtaku?
Sailorvenus2013 @sailorvenus2013
I found this site in accident a few years ago. I was looking for a place to keep track of the anime I've watched. I end up dating a few guys from here, creating a Leo Club and finding great friends!
Song Lyrics

Sailorvenus2013 @sailorvenus2013
commented on
Song Lyrics
Sailorvenus2013 @sailorvenus2013
I'm not even gonna lie to you, I cried when I heard about Chester Bennington
Jun 4-7
Feb 11
Volunteer. Mar 25
Volunteer. Feb 10-11