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20 year old Male
Last online 9 months ago
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Thanks for replying and for the advise! I'm already on simple speaking terms, like I may have mentioned me and my friend may visit to see if I like it anyways, it won't always appear to be as it is on videos of course, I appreciate the help you're willing to give me too I'll let you know once we get further into the planning.
Jan 20, 24 at 1:18pm
I can only speak from being Japanese by blood and culture, but don't *live*(visiting is JPLT 4) in Japan unless you're at least JPLT 3 or close to. Japanese generally don't appreciate foreigners who make no effort to talk to them. If you must focus, focus on speaking since you can always ask what something means but no one is going to stand and wait for you to write a whole sentence in illegible kana. I would also look up the etiquette of trains, busses, etc. Especially Queing. So you can be a polite person and not annoy the people around you with loud talking or lots of luggage. Other than that, Japan is introvert paradise but can be a bit isolating if you are making friends at first. There's also the toxic work culture in Japan. Though it's gotten better, it will be a while for things to truly improve. If you need help with Japanese, I can help.
yuuzora @yuuzora Hnhn. I hope you enjoy your stay. Japanese people are polite, but sometimes a bit cold and aloof. It takes us time to warm up to people, so hopefully it won't make you discouraged to make real friends there. <3
I'm not a big fan if they majorly smoke
Mar 27, 17 at 7:34pm
we have a thread for turn ons but what about stuff that ruins it for you?
Hello! I'm new here and forums I always browse but never talk, so I'm being more confident! I'm a personal trainer now, and was thinking about going to Japan for a while due to the need of feeling more independent, is there any advise I can get while moving? Me and my friend may go on a tour there before I decide to move somewhere but haven't gotten to far into the plan aside from looking up apartments.
Anyone else excited for March? I'm gonna attend in cosplay if we ever want to be friends and meet up there let me know, I'll update on physiques and cosplay plans later on!