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The Broke N Bitchless

Last online about 5 hours ago
Nah just a soulslike game, its actually enjoyable compared to dark souls
Crab souls? Is that like a modded dark souls game?
Yeahh but when you live in a household where they dont use ac or you gonna buy your own ac unit for sleep in the South its not great.
May 23, 24 at 11:25pm
Bruh... A little baby powder goes a long way.
yaasshat @yaasshat Grew up for years in southern Virginia with no AC and only a box fan, I get ya.lol
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 You know the struggle lol
I figured you were getting a paycheck if you made/ worked with AI/ machine learning lol. Though I dont know how that works, every companies different and they all want a piece of the pie
lol one might say that because we all are the ones who trained these models and made the content, we should be getting a paycheck already, no fiat currency required. I mean I dunno about you but, captcha codes and hash tags took time to do, and time is money ^_^
Popcorn245 @popcorn245 I make apps, not working directly on AI, but with it on my projects and have been making business systems for over a decade. Yes, it's a race for AI supremacy, but automation seems to be the broader issue. Going to be interesting to see how society adapt, with the gig economy in full swing and trouble getting people to come to service work, shrinking white collar work, fascinating thinking of a world post-careers.
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 Ahh so theres ad money or direct purchase money. Hopefully its interesting in a way that helps people but I dont really see it affecting much postivity nowadays except for corporations bank accounts.
Popcorn245 @popcorn245 You got that right, at this rate just gonna grow the divide between classes, but I am an eternal optimist, so hoping we start to course correct. *fingers crossed*
A lot of us will care more when AI starts its new currency and then we get rich off that currency or AI hacks other AI and starts sharing money with the hackers >:) Lmao
I think it's important to temper the optimism of tech media who favor fantastic and impractical things with the reality of a world full of people from today. Let's recall that in the 50's they also thought they would have robots and flying cars, they aren't technically impossible, just as it was technically feasible to make an iPhone in the 1965, it wasn't practical. The AI bubble is about to burst, the Rabbit and AI Pin are showing that, it will be rolled into smart assistants and OSs and then it will be just as normal as talking to your home assistant, but we are probably a way out from personal cat girl robots, though there may be cafes and bars that offer this, but a gimmick, much like an animatronic singing rat. Sorry, not poo-pooing, just a technologist speaking about what I am passionate about. I build systems and these bots, and it's crazy cool tech, but not the magic the media will lead you to believe.
Wooo today and tommorow then 4 day weekend ^_^
Its a hobby LOL
I can't believe the people on this site are still alive.wtf
Twerk Wind got me dying lmao
Glad you're in a better place. Stay blessed.
This just brings back memories of my own at staying at people's houses and at Churches. I'm so thankful we were blessed enough to come across people who helped us ^^, I'm happy he has people (especially a friend) in his life that is willing to help him out. I hope he is able to find stability someday. Also, the children were so adorable as well! I just loved the little boy saying he liked seeing different sides of people when drunk XD, that made me laugh.
Ahh healthy dieting xD I needa throw in a smoothie mix
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I love fruit smoothies! You should definitely make one sksksk. I hate adding veggies to it though XD
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 I love them too! I just hate the clean up tbh and I also hate veggies. Adding dates to smoothies make them delicious!
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I find it easy to at hot water to the mixer and clean it that way. It makes it easier to clean out as the power from the mixing does most of the clean up inside of it. And what's your favorite kind of smoothie to drink?
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 Mixer or blender cause I think some blenders cant handle hot liquid but im not sure haha. Well sadly one person of my family always leaves dishes in the sink or the tray so i gotta clean up after em and myself. Hmm I like mango or tropical mix. Im not a fan of triple berry stuff. Whats youe favorite smoothie and how do you deal with a ton of dishes?
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Yeah, I know how it feels to clean up people's dishes XD, I have eight other people to clean after too ( luckily 3/6 of my siblings clean their stuff) sksksk. And that sounds like a delicious flavor! I enjoy more tropical tastes as well, but I also reeeeeally love watermelon smoothies, my dad used to make them when I was a kid and they were so delicious!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As for dealing with lots of dishes, for me I just kind of start...I am a weirdo and find myself getting relaxed when I get over it and start cleaning them XD. But my twin also separates the dishes so it's tidy and she can easily and orderly grab dishes quickly. I also find myself treating it as if I'm doing a job and think of myself wanting to do that job to the best of my abilities...I know it may not help you, but that's the only things I've got ^^
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 Gosh are they all your blood sibljngs or are they adopted cause that many kids is a lot of mouths to feed and love to give. Ooooh I love watermelon and melon, i kinda appreciate how bland Canalope is too. Appreciate that mindset, I feel.like its more a chore that my mom should do a bit but is what it is.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying They are all my blood siblings ^^. We would have had six others as well sksksk, and love and food has never been an issue, blessedly enough with the food situation as well. Same! I love cantaloupe and melons as well. Yeah, dishes are tiring and annoying to do...but in my house my mom has always cooked so I figure why not make it easy on her by cleaning. It is annoying sometimes, but I quickly get over it as she's done so much for me XD, what's a couple dishes?
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 Jeez your mom and dad were frisky to keep going lmao. Any twins or triplets? Thata fair, I cook my own meala and dont eat theirs unless its sometimes so I understand your view point
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying In my immediate family, no, there are no twins or triplets. On my mom and dad's side of the family (like grandparents and aunts/uncles) there is a history of many twins being born, but none in my immediate family. Though me and one of my older sister's usually get mistaken for twins because of how close we are...so I call her my not-twin-twin XD, cause we practically are at this point. Also, I get your view point as well. It's totally different if they don't clean their own dishes, I'd just tell them to clean it up XD. I mean, I always clean my pots and pans and plates/utensils after I'm done cooking, as does my eldest sister.
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 Gosh thats a lot of people idk how your family does it but you seem happy ish? Sadly I live in a "my house dont have to do much rules" its kinda miserable at times and other times its okay. I guess just got used to it.
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I'm very happy with my family. I wouldn't have it any other way with any other people ^^. Yeah, sometimes you have to adapt to your situation, of course you could also always try setting aside their dirty dishes and only washing your own XD. If they ask where all the clean dishes are, then that is your chance to bring up (again) how they haven't cleaned theirs yet sksksk
The Broke N Bitchless @joemama711 Im the same though I would rather live alone if I could lmao. Im very independent thankfully, Sadly using facts against ignorance never works for my favor, they just ignore or end the conversation lmao
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Ah, well then you can ignore the dishes and end the conversation if they try to bring it up XD. Tell them that's how they treat you if you get mad...but maybe don't actually do that, sounds a bit petty and we don't want any unnecessary fights we could have helped from happening XD
Things getting lit in jjk manga ngl