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Remmy~ @inigo
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Remmy~ @inigo
Hoii and welcome ~ c:

ja9 @ja9
ja9 @ja9
Lowkey it’s fun tho when ur team is good. Toxic game but u gonna catch me always playing that sht lol
Name the most frustrating game you ever played

Triscuit @bob_loblaw
commented on
Name the most frustrating game you ever played
Triscuit @bob_loblaw
Nothing in my life makes me wanna fist a bunch of complete strangers more than playing OW2.

Triscuit @bob_loblaw I'm in a long-term abusive relationship with it... Any time I show up as a strong, independent man, OW2 will start slapping me around with teammates that are using a Dance Dance Revolution floor pad as their controller...

ja9 @ja9
ja9 @ja9
Tysmmmm x)

akira @akira_kun
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akira @akira_kun
hihi love your snorlax hat!! :0
Post ur art my dudes.

ja9 @ja9
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Post ur art my dudes.
ja9 @ja9

Lil doodles from awhile ago
IRL pictures

ja9 @ja9
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IRL pictures
ja9 @ja9
