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ICloud, Malawi
Aug 12, 19 at 8:55pm
Hello, i want to apologize for removing you a long time ago. I didnt like seeing the INTP stuff daily. I tried to hint at it to you, but i didnt want to tell you to stop, because you seemed to enjoy it. It was probably the wrong way to go about thing. Hopefully you hold no resentment toward me. Have a good day c:
Lishifu @hakutaku That's fine~Thanks~
Lishifu @hakutaku XD my apologies.I posted lots of stuff about personalities so...INTP is a result of personality test
SnakeePoo @solid_snake95 Ohh...sounds deep
‎‎ @saberwing left a comment for Lishifu
Aug 12, 19 at 1:16pm
*chuckles* So I wasn't wrong when I suspected you were actually strong~ My own energy (or CHI as your people call it) can also alter and mess up quite a few things around me. I won't speak on this topic too much here though.... Because if I shared too much, I imagine many people would "randomly" want to befriend me all of a sudden. And I don't need this sort of "friendship" from anyone. I don't really have any favorite martial arts.... More like a technique. Your people apparently call it: 無心 Been trying to get a grip on it since I was a kid, but I failed over and over again. To this day, I still don't know how to approach it or even where to begin. Any other martial arts feel very much possible within human limits. But this thing, I just don't know. Well, your people have one of the oldest recorded and confirmed history. So it might not be such a bad idea to begin with it if you want to find out secrets of the rest of the world~ Nope, which anime is it?
‎‎ @saberwing left a comment for Lishifu
Aug 12, 19 at 12:56pm
Ho ho ho!~ Ya got it all wrong young lady. His name is not General Winter. It's Дед Мороз (Grandpa Winter). Is basically the Russian equivalent of Santa. xD https://salik.biz/upload/000/u1/f/4/24d5b3e7.jpg And anything his icy scepter touches, falls asleep and freezes solid in an instant for 1000 years~
‎‎ @saberwing left a comment for Lishifu
Aug 12, 19 at 12:51pm
It's fine.... Don't feel pressured or obligated into responding to anything. Ya have your own life to take care of and everything. If ya actually took time to read my ranting endless wall of text, that's already more than I could ever ask for~ I dunno, I just kinda spoke to people on the internet in my youth where everyone used English. Had no idea what anyone said at first ofc. But I sort of just watched everyone talk and automatically understood it after a while (like learning how to ride a bike I guess). Darn....for somebody who only started actively using it like a year ago, your English is actually super impressive. Ye I have a Cambridge C2 level English certificate. Had to make it. Else I probably wouldn't get accepted in any worldwide freelance jobs in today's world. xD Haha....well, there is only one tale I know of. If tigers don't try to look ya in the eye and make a silent rumbling sound with their voice around you that sounds like a distant thunder, then it means ya have a pure heart~ Not been to too many sadly, far from a professional traveller. If I count them....maybe been to like 18 different countries? Not sure right now, gotta count my souvenir magnets. xD Never been in any of them for too long though.... For example, if I ever visit China....south and north of that country is so much different. I can't say I've really learned anything about China if I only see Shanghai for a week, if that makes sense~ Climate change is okay....least for me. Since I'm used to the random retarded weather from my homeland~ Oh goodness no.... Soviet Union food was like the most uncivilized one. Be glad you never got to experience it like my parents did. There was this thing called "2nd freshness" back then for example. Which was basically taking foods after expiration date and selling them again at cheaper price to "ordinary people".... Of course since our red star of terror has fallen in 1991, our food has some really strict quality rules and is probably one of the safest things to eat in the world right now.... But past is still hard to forget. >_<
Baka @reinhardt76 left a comment for Lishifu
Aug 11, 19 at 10:23pm
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Lishifu @hakutaku I believe your brain is delicious!!
Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 mhhhh NOM NOM NOM~
Baka @reinhardt76 your brain is very spicy!
Red @redhawk left a comment for Lishifu
Aug 11, 19 at 8:04pm
Lishifu @hakutaku Thank you, Charles aniki
Red @redhawk De nada Hermanita Enki ^w^
Red @redhawk Even if we dont talk much, I care about you little sis
Aug 11, 19 at 7:56pm
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Aug 11, 19 at 5:54pm
You are one of the most aesthetics humans alive. Teach me the way of the A E S T H E T I C
Lishifu @hakutaku Thanks, Rafa-kun~~
Aug 11, 19 at 5:50pm
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Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Lishifu
Aug 11, 19 at 4:43pm