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ICloud, Malawi
Jul 20, 19 at 11:12pm
I throught you were one of those...an Ao nyōbō well now matter what you are you still my お姉ちゃん http://www.yokai.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2013/06/052-aonyoubou.jpg
Baka @reinhardt76 left a comment for Lishifu
Jul 20, 19 at 7:14pm
This account has been suspended.
Lishifu @hakutaku No!I can be spotted easily because of my Engrish and the way I talk.I do have other two accounts on penpal websites though, because they aren't communities.
Baka @reinhardt76 I see, I have habits that are very noticeable too. My second accoun has only been used to test functions and tricks of this site
Jul 20, 19 at 2:00am
Soldiers of the Polish People's Army https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6a/2e/08/6a2e08e109b2f5f197cfd5785b669f82.jpg
Johannes @yestotally left a comment for Lishifu
Jul 19, 19 at 6:42pm
when do you turn 79?
Lishifu @hakutaku Some days ago~
‎‎ @saberwing left a comment for Lishifu
Jul 19, 19 at 1:10pm
Oh, that face is Alyonka. Is like our most well-known chocolate, even back in Soviet Union times lol. But in all honesty, not even I knew they made biscuits. I should try and find them~ Sorry for taking so long to reply btw. Been multitasking all day, so I only had time to write short stuff. And I wanted to answer everything you asked. :P
‎‎ @saberwing left a comment for Lishifu
Jul 19, 19 at 12:49pm
That reminds me of my hometown where girls mostly like to wear those colorful Chinese dresses instead of "ours", simply because they like them a lot more and it's easy to obtain since you guys are so close. Plus a LOT cheaper too~ Nothing is better than Siberian bread, especially fresh out of oven. Is crispy like tempura on the outside, and like savory cotton candy on the inside. <3 We literally don't even bother putting anything on it, and just eat it plain because is feels like adding stuff would just ruin it lol. Hmmm.... I guess I'm a bit obsessed with French food? xD Their baking to be more specific. Their stuff can be a bit tricky, but I still can't stop trying to re-create it lmao. I mean, Macarons and Kouign-amann had to be one of the most headache inducing and time consuming things I ever tried to make. But once I finally got it right....it was so darn worth it.
Baka @reinhardt76 left a comment for Lishifu
Jul 19, 19 at 11:37am
This account has been suspended.
‎‎ @saberwing left a comment for Lishifu
Jul 19, 19 at 11:24am
I'm not really sure how long. Kind of learned English on my own by just talking to people. Could suddenly just speak it when I was like 12 and didn't even know how I did it. I did have it in school as a subject, but they were going so slow that I barely got anything from it at all. Final exams every year were always more like answering a troll quiz from Buzzfeed or whatever. xD We have just normal seasonal daylength like most of the world. But yes, way up on the coast of Arctic Ocean it's half year day/half year night. If that's what you're asking. I did visit that place for a short time, and it was a pretty darn weird experience to say the least. Imagine watching sunset, the sun just barely touches the horizon, but then it's like: "Nah nvm....I'm going back up." LOL Tiger Forest is just another name for Taiga, or as local people sometimes call it: "frozen jungle". Ye there are wolves, bears, and tigers. But sadly tigers are endangered so there's not that much left of them in the wild anymore. T_T Those animals are not really much of a threat to humans though.... They stay very very far away from civilization. So it's super unlikely you'll ever meet any unless you actively search for them. And even then, they will most likely just hide from or even straight up ignore people. They can tell you're there from a mile away, but they usually don't care as long as you just watch and don't get too close (but I still wouldn't recommend this sort of adventure lmao). Hahaha...."banana" and "egg"? You serious? xD Ye it depends on where you grow up, but also what kind of parents you have. Some will never let their kids forget their roots, no matter where they moved. But....there are also people like me who don't really "belong" anywhere. I don't really feel like Russian most of the time, more like "citizen of the world" who just adopts a little bit of something from every new place I visit. Who knows....maybe that's why one of my goals is to see literally every country there is in my lifetime. Nordic had some bloody beliefs to say the least. But....I guess they know how to party? xD Native Siberians were a lot like native Americans. Basically shamanistic people who believe in astral journeys and guidance of spirits. I don't know much about their tales sadly. But they do have their deities that are kind of like a mix between Greek and Nordic mythology, which I always found a bit puzzling. The Yellow Emperor? I found out about that legend by chance when I was looking for stuff about the Vermillion Bird in library. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/13/16/13/131613cf11eb912818038e5656b8a201.jpg If somebody like him really once walked this world, then he was easily one of the most amazing humans to have ever lived (if not the most amazing). Not to mention the fact that he somehow managed to live way over a century in such ancient times. O_O For all we know, he might actually be immortal and still watching over his people in some sort of way. Which is a bit eerie to think about tbh....but still fun~
Ghost @kuharido left a comment for Lishifu
Jul 19, 19 at 4:42am
I have practiced boxing, wing chun, goju ryu karate, and a bit of fencing. I still like those kinds of arts but I also like soft arts and as I've gotten older I've grown more interest in soft/internal arts especially qigong and zhan zhuang. What do you practice? You mentioned practicing kung fu in your info. Same with tai chi, is there a specific family style of tai chi you practice? This is a famous bajiquan master https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xxOBHp2MfsA&t=1489s This is a video on zhan zhuang https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=y07FauHYlmg
‎‎ @saberwing left a comment for Lishifu
Jul 19, 19 at 3:07am
http://i.imgur.com/DdSNkI3.jpg Kukuku....what's wrong? Having trouble reading EAN codes? :3 http://www.welsmannid.de/images/ean128.gif That's why Russians have laser eyes. It was never a weapon~