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UnicornMachete夕優 @unicornmachete
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UnicornMachete夕優 @unicornmachete
Hope its not too creepy I'm sending a friend request to another Florida resident (^¬^) who hasnt been on in ages teehee

ashrum3 @ashrum3
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ashrum3 @ashrum3
hello Guren-san good to here you like anime that mean you are in the right place :) maybe we can talk more k

Nah Man Wraiths @petersierchio
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Nah Man Wraiths @petersierchio
Howdy :D How are you?
This girl is too good for me. Advice?

Guren @guren
commented on
This girl is too good for me. Advice?
Guren @guren
The more you talk about her the more fake she sounds.
I mean a cosplay model on OKcupid who is a virgin?? and she was a cheerleader, and she plays video games? first of all a cheerleader who is a virgin? How old is this girl??
Come on!!!
I think thats some person pulling a fast one on people.
Otaku Boyfriend Needed! Why aren't there any Guy Otakus DX

Guren @guren
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Otaku Boyfriend Needed! Why aren't there any Guy Otakus DX
Guren @guren
@ Darku_Schneider- Sorry i didn't respond to your longer post. I just now read it all. i have to say we have some very different perspectives as human individuals. You as an older man (no offense please), and me as a woman. I see things from a whole different perspective when it comes to the opposite sex and relationships. I didn't even think white knights existed, I just thought at this point men were all scum, except for the very very few "good" ones, who are hiding away or already in relationships. Then again I haven't been out to the world enough to experience something different. Which is why I guess I am reaching out and trying to see what else is there besides my own previous experiences.
I liked your quotes they are very meaningful and I appreciate the message they portray. Thank you.
Also thank you for sharing your own personal point of view and experience, it's interesting to know what a man's perspective about relationships is. Most men can't even admit to their own fears and insecurities ever and that is why they are how they are I think.
Fear is the worst thing ever, and I am trying to remain fearless, its difficult though since fear has many disguises, and also fearless people can end up being very successful or extremely unfortunate. Other people are so fear ridden they cannot stand to see a fearless person succeeding in life, so they make it a purpose to bring fearless people down. I experienced that unfortunately and it's broken me a little, it has made me angry again, resentful. These are things I am trying to work on, thats why I am staying on my own for a while until a very good kind hearted genuine person who actually cares comes into my life. Because apparently, such a person has yet to appear.