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Getsurenka @getsurenka
Getsurenka @getsurenka
Well, it seems this site has kinda failed in helping me meet anyone. I guess I'll retire from it as of tonight. :P

Getsurenka @getsurenka
Getsurenka @getsurenka
Trying to catch up on a lot of my anime. Mainly the Gundam series. :P

Getsurenka @getsurenka
Getsurenka @getsurenka
Your First....Anime, of course!

Getsurenka @getsurenka
commented on
Your First....Anime, of course!
Getsurenka @getsurenka
Pokemon was what got me hooked to anime and RPGs all the same, although I think the first anime I had seen was Astro Boy or Galaxy Express 999. My friend's parents had a lot of old Anime on VHS. xD
High School of the Dead.

Getsurenka @getsurenka
commented on
High School of the Dead.
Getsurenka @getsurenka
Yeah, I love this series. I have the first volume of the manga pre-ordered already. :D