High School of the Dead.

kurokame @kurokame
High School of the Dead.
kurokame @kurokame
Is it me or is Summer Always The worst season for new anime. Only about a dozen new shows and the only one I'm head over heels for is Highschool of the dead.

glez27 @glez27
commented on
High School of the Dead.
glez27 @glez27
Thats a pretty awesome anime
the quality is awesome
and so far its just "staggering" xD

kurokame @kurokame
commented on
High School of the Dead.
kurokame @kurokame
Yeah highschool of the dead is on point man but I've looked at evey thing this season slim pickings.

CrazyClassicist @crazyclassicist
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High School of the Dead.
CrazyClassicist @crazyclassicist
I swear I thought this anime was going to consist entirely of ecchi shots at every possible moment...but it actually has plot...so I keep watching it. Some parts have a gratuitous amount of Ecchi, though. I mean, Takashi firing the sniper rifle off Rei's boobs and then we get a close up of how her boobs juggle for forty-five seconds, followed by a pantyshot of Saeko as the bullet passes underneath her skirt...I mean, really?

ikkoku @ikkoku
commented on
High School of the Dead.
ikkoku @ikkoku
As interesting HSOTD is, I think it can carry it's weight without the fan service in my opinion. I kinda feel that ecchi and zombies don't go together. But hey, it's just fiction so, why not?

SeleneHino @selenehino
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High School of the Dead.
SeleneHino @selenehino
Read the manga it's a bit more then the anime

kurokame @kurokame
commented on
High School of the Dead.
kurokame @kurokame
Well the anime does sorta take it to the next level, the t&a is sorta over the top, but when they up the ecchi the also took the action sequences to the next level. I mean even though they throw in the occasional jiggle,or up skirt shot, they really have some beautiful excecuted fight scenes.

FayelinnBlair @fayelinnblair
commented on
High School of the Dead.
FayelinnBlair @fayelinnblair
I've never seen an apocolyptic anime before so the theme is quite different. In the genres I usually watch they cover up the intense action so seeing what would really happen is sort of refreshing. I thought it halarious to count the panty shots in episode one, I lost count. XD Like yaoi and yuri, ecchi doesn't bother me....I just like the comedic take on a zombie apocolyspe.

MuShRoOm__SaMBa @djbee100
commented on
High School of the Dead.
MuShRoOm__SaMBa @djbee100
with all the ecchi aside i really like hsotd. ive been waiting for something like this. it just seems like ive been watching to much shonin so this is a good break

ikkoku @ikkoku
commented on
High School of the Dead.
ikkoku @ikkoku
Hey <b>FayelinnBlair</b>, You really haven't seen an apocolyptic anime before? You should watch <i>Neon Genesis Evangelion</i>. Especially the 1997 movie: <i>The End of Evangelion</i>. That'll blow you away... literally. LOL.
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