gensou_hide @gensou_hide
gensou_hide @gensou_hide
Sure, at this place: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.571417280016.2041405.198502495&type=1&l=b9dca78ac5

itakeiteasy @itakeiteasy
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itakeiteasy @itakeiteasy
oh i see, got pictures of those?

gensou_hide @gensou_hide
gensou_hide @gensou_hide
I've cosplayed as L, Beyond Birthday, and Mello (in brown leather) from Death Note, random TURK and Crisis Core Tseng from FFVII, young Walter (and dark young Walter) from Hellsing, Hiro from Gravitation, Hotaru from Samurai Deeper Kyo, hide (of X Japan and hide with Spread Beaver), and I just completed Chitose, or Crimson Kimono, from Fatal Frame 2. The ones I've made myself are Hotaru and Akari from Samurai Deeper Kyo, Chitose, I made alterations to hide's wig, and I have two more costumes in my queue to construct.

itakeiteasy @itakeiteasy
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itakeiteasy @itakeiteasy
what cosplays have you done
Sep 26-28
May 28-31
Sep 4-7
Panelist. May 26-29