Highway Curly @forgetmenot
Highway Curly @forgetmenot
Ghost @kuharido
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Highway Curly
Ghost @kuharido
Anti-spyware @joemama711
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Highway Curly
Anti-spyware @joemama711
Ghost @kuharido That was a fun game
Anti-spyware @joemama711 I agree, been watching somenolder game playthroughs and theirs a crazy speedrun of this game
Ghost @kuharido
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Highway Curly
Ghost @kuharido
Not sure if i told you but I first learned about Jojo in an arcade from a fighting game. I later got it on playstation in '03 then learned more about Jojo online. This is Kakyoin from the game, he does different poses.
Highway Curly @forgetmenot Yeah, if you were looking for a cool backstory, I'm afraid I got into JoJo by watching a few episodes out of context with some someone who was a JoJo fan. Also, I've heard of that game a couple times. I know that Kakyoin from a fan made rero rero song...
Ghost @kuharido I just wanted to share^^ your backstory is Kenough
Highway Curly @forgetmenot I realized- isn't that from the one where Pet Shop feckin broke the game? Heritage for the future?
Ghost @kuharido Yeah I think so, pet shop could fly and stuff so it was really annoying.
Highway Curly @forgetmenot He still has almost same moveset now in Asb/asbr but the damage was nerfed quite a bit from his prime in hftf. So still annoying, but at least he's not killing you in 10 seconds flat
Ghost @kuharido I need to play the new ones more. Do you play any other games?
Highway Curly @forgetmenot Borderlands, and Dragon Age are up in my all time favorite. Surpassed by JoJo games only, and that's just coz it's JoJo LOL. Fallout, and Elder Scrolls games are up there too. Competitive games in my opinion, just suck and have the worst communities, with the worst devs.
Ghost @kuharido I like final fantasy, tekken, street fighter, league, cod, and just personal games. Yeah I know they are mean, I'm find with that though I thrive combating mean types.
Ghost @kuharido
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Highway Curly
Ghost @kuharido
Veru @verucassault This clip always makes me think of Aeon Flux
Ghost @kuharido same
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I hate this
Ghost @kuharido You're welcome, wei
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying You hate me
Highway Curly @forgetmenot Come on, it's just a cherry, how bad could it be? And the Cherry is in fact being licked, as you can tell it's not being sniffed or thrown by any means, but point is, a cherry is a good cherry, but a licked cherry is better
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I don't like lil/tongue stuff. It makes me uncomfortable for some reason
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Highway Curly
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
For you. Cause I love you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tL1qlNtdVy4&pp=ygUISmpiYSBtbWQ%3D
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Highway Curly
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
Why is big brother a drug lord? XD
Highway Curly @forgetmenot Jojo reference LOL
Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Ah, makes sense
Highway Curly @forgetmenot
Highway Curly @forgetmenot
Highway Curly @forgetmenot
Highway Curly @forgetmenot
Testing something...
Highway Curly @forgetmenot Damn. Lost my D.
Highway Curly @forgetmenot Perfection itself
Amir @amir_bahram You lost your dick?
Highway Curly @forgetmenot To be fair it made sense at the time because the username was too long and I lost a d at the end... but yeah don't worry, the little guy's still here
Ghost @kuharido
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Highway Curly
Ghost @kuharido