Yennie-Fer @prismmiracle
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Yennie-Fer @prismmiracle
I'll be fine. XD
Now I have a dentist's appointment tomorrow. I hate going there gah.
And that was nice of you to do.
epsilon7466Mk2 @epsilon7466mk2
epsilon7466Mk2 @epsilon7466mk2
They still sound cute >_< Evil kitty's are cuter.
Too bad about her eye :(
As for you, like hobbies, dreams, nick names, funny/embarising moment of interest, favorite food, ext.
I for instance I'm trying to get a job with technology and or advertising. Hobbies, besides anime, video games, manga and fan fiction. I like air soft, sleeping, model building and a few others ill secret for now because I like surprising people.
I like analyzing things too, in games and anime to find the logic in something.
Fan-girl types are cool ^_^ and from your picture you look like someone that enjoy chilling, having good company and for some reason I'm pegging you as someone who's ticklish, something in your smile (stare) lol.
It's cool I'll know someone from over seas again.
ZGO @zgo
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ZGO @zgo
The kitties are feral. My sister's friend picked them off the street and we are trying to socialize them so they can be adopted. There is a grey male with white tipped feet and his calico sister. She has one milky eye due to an injury she got before we got her.
As for me, that's a lot to cover here. I am an easy going, fan-girl type. I was born in Turkey so I have a lot of that culture in me. I like to over analyze things... I am not sure what else to say. I was never any good at describing myself.
ZGO @zgo
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ZGO @zgo
How do you sent a private message with this thing?
epsilon7466Mk2 @epsilon7466mk2
epsilon7466Mk2 @epsilon7466mk2
Yeah....damn you MAC for being pricey.
Sounds like a full day. Why move to a new place? Is it far? What's Jimmy John's and I heard sammich? WHERE'S MY SAMMICH! Lol
It's been an adventures day for my Computer business. I signed up for Square. That and took mom out for a birthday dinner, took her out to a Japanese Hibachi and gave her a gift card to a spa.
mikhail737 @mikhail737
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mikhail737 @mikhail737
True. Buying a MacBook is near the top for long-term-save-up-to-get list. lmao. My high school had them when I went there. Were dual boot. Kinda fun to play with.
...Hm? My day? I spent half the day packing/unpacking. Moved to a new place with my sister and niece. I'm finishing up some Jimmy John's sandwich. And working on removing viruses from a laptop. it has some pesky ones. ~,~
saiyuriquinn @saiyuriquinn
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saiyuriquinn @saiyuriquinn
That sounds fun.
ZGO @zgo
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ZGO @zgo
Hello! Sorry for the late response! I just got back from a trip overseas so my life has been a weird mix of stupidly hectic and falling asleep in the middle of the day while cooking bulgur. But, sure! I'd like to meet up sometime. I am socializing two feral kittens right now so I can't leave the house for very long but when they have moved out for adoption I'll be free :)
mikhail737 @mikhail737
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mikhail737 @mikhail737
But if you can get loyal Mac lovers, ya can make a lot. xD
Yennie-Fer @prismmiracle
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Yennie-Fer @prismmiracle
Ah okie. XD
And it's fine. You don't have to look it up. I can do that myself. I've gotten cons written down so far so going to look into CT cons.
I haven't been feeling well today honestly.
I'm resting though bleh.
How about you?
Jul 30-Aug 1
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