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lonewolfreasu @sakuratrickster
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lonewolfreasu @sakuratrickster
Sure we could swap fb for now. Although ill get u the link tomorrow. I'm a head to bed early for once lol night

lonewolfreasu @sakuratrickster
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lonewolfreasu @sakuratrickster
I wish I was a stocker retail costumers aggravate me lol.I actially had a good day I worked with nice people for once. I keep posting replies on my own wall lol

lonewolfreasu @sakuratrickster
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lonewolfreasu @sakuratrickster
Yay work. I love spice and wolf I own the series I'm always rewatching it and lol I change the pic from time to time I'll prob change it soon to my new obsession akame ga kill. So how was your first day of work?
Moved to Florida

epsilon7466Mk2 @epsilon7466mk2
Moved to Florida
epsilon7466Mk2 @epsilon7466mk2
I've moved to FL from NY. I don't know anyone and I don't have any idea on where to start meeting people here. If any Otaku live in FL, please message me, I need some new friends! >_<
Whose on here for love?SERIOUSLY NO BULLSHIT!

epsilon7466Mk2 @epsilon7466mk2
commented on
Whose on here for love?SERIOUSLY NO BULLSHIT!
epsilon7466Mk2 @epsilon7466mk2
I'm looking for someone. Some friends would be nice but I'm here primarily to find someone.
Jul 30-Aug 1
Jul 29-31
Aug 9-11
Jan 3-5