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Omegalol @tyrantdesco
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Omegalol @tyrantdesco
:D~~~~~~~~~~~~ welcome sorry for the mess

missladyebe @missladyebe
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missladyebe @missladyebe
just welcoming my fellow otaku

Nato262 @diablorasengan
Nato262 @diablorasengan
getting used to this site is weird
The UK? England??

Nato262 @diablorasengan
commented on
The UK? England??
Nato262 @diablorasengan
Reviving this post im from scotland i think im the only scottish otaku on this site hopefully im wrong any way hey im nat :D
why cant there be an anime convention in scotland

Nato262 @diablorasengan
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why cant there be an anime convention in scotland
Nato262 @diablorasengan
awesome so going to that thanks