why cant there be an anime convention in scotland

Nato262 @diablorasengan
why cant there be an anime convention in scotland
Nato262 @diablorasengan
Cry cry

VigeoRae @vigeorae
commented on
why cant there be an anime convention in scotland
VigeoRae @vigeorae
Scotland MCM Expo [visit site]
Comic Convention with Anime, SciFi, TV and Video Games
August 31, 2013
Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre
Glasgow, UK
i think... go to animecon.com to check the worldwide stuffs :)

VigeoRae @vigeorae
commented on
why cant there be an anime convention in scotland
VigeoRae @vigeorae

Nato262 @diablorasengan
commented on
why cant there be an anime convention in scotland
Nato262 @diablorasengan
awesome so going to that thanks

VigeoRae @vigeorae
commented on
why cant there be an anime convention in scotland
VigeoRae @vigeorae
You're welcome
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