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Phanari @phanari
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Phanari @phanari
Fancy food, eh? I LOVE COOKING FANCY FOOD! lol

harlequin_cat0_o @harlequin_cat0_o
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harlequin_cat0_o @harlequin_cat0_o
yeah i did , did you go to ax?

Xasoraen (kacey) @sailehallow
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Xasoraen (kacey) @sailehallow
welcome to maiotaku
Older Otaku (if they exist)

Deluxe00 @deluxe00
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Older Otaku (if they exist)
Deluxe00 @deluxe00
I consider myself old(23) since most cons are full of 16-17 year olds.
to draw anime!

Deluxe00 @deluxe00
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to draw anime!
Deluxe00 @deluxe00
I'm an art major, so drawing is my life.