Someone You used to know. @joemama711
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Someone You used to know. @joemama711
Oh hey they're doing a thing btw!

deathgodzero @deathgodzero Just as I was about to finish the game lol. I hear this is long af though? Practically the length of an entire game?

Someone You used to know. @joemama711 Ill wait until reviews come out, too many fucking games rn

Someone You used to know. @joemama711
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Someone You used to know. @joemama711
Also this, both quick stretchs for the back

deathgodzero @deathgodzero Need to try this when I get the chance. Thank you @joemama711 :)

Someone You used to know. @joemama711 Happy to help <3

wanderingswordsman1 @wanderingswordsman1
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wanderingswordsman1 @wanderingswordsman1
Random but i felt nostalgic. This ending song is rather beautiful. It's
from the original Yugioh and yeah thought i'd share it. ^_^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8fkyFehESo

deathgodzero @deathgodzero I never really watched Yugi Oh. I did see some episodes but maybe only a handful, but this is a nice song. :)

Someone You used to know. @joemama711
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Someone You used to know. @joemama711

deathgodzero @deathgodzero Lmao well ambulance rides are expensive af lol :P

Someone You used to know. @joemama711 I wouldn't know, dont plan to either haha let me die!

deathgodzero @deathgodzero Lmao I rarely go to hospitals so yeah that aint happening unless its a life or death thing lol. Theres always urgent care for minor issues.

Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk

deathgodzero @deathgodzero Yes Im still alive lol. :P

Aka-san @redhawk a joyous occasion indeed ;p

deathgodzero @deathgodzero Lmao thanks. :)

deathgodzero @deathgodzero
deathgodzero @deathgodzero
@verucassault Those are good tips. I dont do well with long marathons but Ive decided also not to skip filler episodes so I dont miss anything. If I watch a few episodes daily, I'm sure I can finish in a few months. I will start skipping some opening/ closing credits too to save time. Thanks! :)
What ANIME are you watching right now?

Veru @verucassault
commented on
What ANIME are you watching right now?
Veru @verucassault
I did this last year. The filler episodes really got on my nerves but I managed to watch every episode. To save time, I skipped 95% of the opening and closing credits apart from a couple seasons where I really liked the songs... and Bleach is one of those anime that does like a 3-5 min recap on the previous episode... I skipped all of that nonsense.
A couple of the filler arcs were great and made me glad I didn't skip them over.

Veru @verucassault Yeah some of my fav episodes were in filler arcs. And once you get to see Thousand Year Blood War, the one that's airing now, it will be worth it.

deathgodzero @deathgodzero Definitely looking forward to it. :) Is Thousand Year Blood War a lot better btw? :O

Veru @verucassault Yeah. You will see as the seasons go on they made lots of improvements either by character design or story. But TYBW is epic. It's like the content aged with the fans. Less shenanigans and more meat to the story.

deathgodzero @deathgodzero If by this you mean there's less filler episodes then I'm definitely excited to get to TYBW. :)

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
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Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying
I'm not spying OwO https://media.tenor.com/Ein6nLH5KK0AAAAM/kawaii-look.gif

deathgodzero @deathgodzero Hello there :)

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Hello. How have you been doing lately?

deathgodzero @deathgodzero Ive been doing alright, how about you? :)

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I'm glad to hear. And I've been doing pretty well myself, thank you for asking ^-^

deathgodzero @deathgodzero Youre welcome! I hope youre having a nice weekend. :)

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying I am. It's calm and relaxing as usual so I can't complain, thank you for asking. I hope your weekend is going just as well

deathgodzero @deathgodzero Thank you! And I also hope you feel better soon! Hope you are getting plenty of time to rest and recover. :)

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying Thank you so much Zero! I just finished resting as we speak XD...I slept longer than expected but it's fine since I'm unwell

deathgodzero @deathgodzero Yw! Sorry for the late response, but hope you're feeling better. :)

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying It's no issue at all! Please respond whenever best for you, even if it's never XD. And thank you, I am starting to feel a bit better

deathgodzero @deathgodzero Glad to hear you're starting to feel a bit better. Hope it continues! And thanks for understanding. I hope you have a nice day. :)

Rose Mommy ® @wei_ying You too Zero-chan

Someone You used to know. @joemama711
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Someone You used to know. @joemama711
Heard.about the california flooding. Hope you're okay :(

deathgodzero @deathgodzero Sadly not a single drop of rain here. Just the burning rays of the sun. :/ I do appreciate your concern though. :)

wanderingswordsman1 @wanderingswordsman1
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wanderingswordsman1 @wanderingswordsman1
No Oyasumi~

Someone You used to know. @joemama711
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Someone You used to know. @joemama711
This hurt my ass just by watching it

deathgodzero @deathgodzero OMG she lost me when she poured the Jalapeno juice and thats way too much cheese. :O

Someone You used to know. @joemama711 Im not sure if any of these are staged or real anymore lol