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Deactivated @ruby
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Deactivated @ruby
Yeah the prices suck -.- haha,I've seen some amazing cosplays that were homemade ^~^ ,well im sure your cosplay is gonna look awesome! Which ever you do,make sure to take a pic ^^ ,yes actually im going with my sister and im going as miku and shes going as gumi but matryoshka form lol like from the song...well i do love the original pokemon,grew up watching it lol

Deactivated @ruby
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Deactivated @ruby
I agree,you should Definitly try ^~^ ,cosplaying sounds soooo fun to try ,but some of the ones online do look cheap -.- ,meh x.x ,...what!! That is sad :( I would be so upset aswell u.u sigh ,that would of been awesome too! Showing them off XD lol ^.^

Deactivated @ruby
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Deactivated @ruby
Oh lol wow what a drag >< ,yeah I kind of figured things would cost a lot u.u sigh ..but I will bring a lot of money XD sister went to comic con and left behind a few things she bought >.> meh ,I just hope that doesnt happen to me -.- lol ...what were you cosplaying last year? :p