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Last online about 5 years ago
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki left a comment for Daggera
Mar 10, 16 at 10:49am
yes there are two types of senpai in this world the ones that notice you and the ones that are just senpai http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/380/328/622.png oh and i also destroyed toaster-chan http://orig00.deviantart.net/4ad4/f/2014/253/d/e/senpai_by_a_mad_russian_pony-d7yl008.jpg i sort of jammed my pb&j sandwich in there and toaster-chan made a funny noise and stopped working
mariahaise @mariahaise That toaster is amazingly disturbing
‎‎ @saberwing left a comment for Daggera
Mar 10, 16 at 10:43am
Haha you really are kind way too kind to me. Ohhh silly I do not stalk people. :3 I̶ ̶e̶a̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶ http://static.zerochan.net/Kaenbyou.Rin.full.562141.jpg
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki left a comment for Daggera
Mar 10, 16 at 10:26am
ehhh noo me and fran are just friends https://49.media.tumblr.com/01d11c6bcf340db8bc307f1beeb2f8fb/tumblr_o1t23svAVo1uhpv9wo1_500.gif but yes i guess you can call him my senpai but the senpai you want to notice you but like the senpai who helps you out you know? but yandere are cute i love yanderes. poor backyard chan you will be missed TwT im sorry i set you on fire but may you rest in piece and go to a land where backyards are nicely kept and can relax and do what backyards do best http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/3/38020/949362-bscap00354be.jpg
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki left a comment for Daggera
Mar 10, 16 at 9:59am
shhhhh say no more senpai https://media4.giphy.com/media/Ho264mEkbl55K/200_s.gif there is nothing scary about yandere we are all just cuties trying to get our senpai to love us and notice us haha XD yeah i know NOW that fire plus aerosole can equals backyard on fire lol but someone did get hurt TwT poor backyard-chan yeah i get where your coming from and hopefully everyone can live happy lives
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki left a comment for Daggera
Mar 10, 16 at 9:07am
my backyard was meant to be set on fire? lol what did mt backyard ever do to anyone? nah but i mean it lrobably was good in a way cause i used to play back there and there were snakes...so a little kid+snake probably not good at all http://i.imgur.com/JQAJXwA.gif well whatever it is that was wrong that they took it out on you i mean i can tell your a very nice person so to just yell at you for whatever reason especially if you want to help them seems like something a jerk would do but thats just how i see it funny thing is when i snap at someone i just go back to being happy like nothing even happened XD like i can be mad at you the whole day then wake up the next morning fine
Tatsuro @tatsuro_yanagi left a comment for Daggera
Mar 10, 16 at 8:57am
So far I talked to just one person. Yes, you are right, people here might be very shy and afraid of talking to me. Anyway, it is okay because I can't handle many people at the same time. You've been here for a long time? Thank you for the friend request :) I can speak some English but when it comes to speaking, I am not really confident :P
Tatsuro @tatsuro_yanagi left a comment for Daggera
Mar 10, 16 at 8:15am
Hello, Thank you for greeting. I don't really have many friends here. Seems like people are not really interested in talking to me. Anyway, I kinda enjoy this site :)
http://wallpapersinhq.pw/images/medium/a-here_u_can_have_some-1437660.jpg say ahhhh have some sushi
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki left a comment for Daggera
Mar 10, 16 at 12:41am
surprised? i normally stay up this late im just never on here this late cause no one is awake which means no one to talk to and nothing to do woah what how does that work? too affectionate so they yell at you that makes no sense at all tbh they want you to not like them as much? weird https://41.media.tumblr.com/3929ca96675e324b727f134e0fd198ed/tumblr_inline_nznxbkqHJc1r1s947_540.jpg i dont like arguing mainly cause jm that one person who barely gets mad like what people think is me being mad is actually me being calm and expressing my opinion me being mad would probably result in someone's feelings getting hurt cause i hit you with some pretty harsh things. but it has to build up to that cause i usually warn people before i flip and its more than once so your begging for it ath that point oh haha story time >:3 so i was like really young somewhere under the age of 11 so my grandpa had a fire pit going in the back and he was burning some wood ande like the weirdo i am (i never used my brain around this time) i threw an aerosol can into the fire and left this was around 7 pm then i come home from school to the backyard scorched im like "what happened?" and my grandma tells me the backyard was on fire apparently an aerosol can (which everyone knows the contents of the can tends to catch on fire) exploded and started a fire i just kept quiet and went to my room XD i never told anyone else well besides you and anyone else eavesdropping on this http://i.imgur.com/zUwqrhM.png
Veru @verucassault Panda is like the girl from the Ring. He never sleeps O_O
Blue @blueroselover left a comment for Daggera
Mar 10, 16 at 12:12am
I graciously accept~