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Last online about 5 years ago
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki left a comment for Daggera
Mar 09, 16 at 11:53pm
yeah for me it was more like me sharing myself with the other person in the relationship if that makes sense? like me going that extra mile for them, me telling them about myself, me worrying about them, me cheering them up. relationships for me felt one sided like yeah sure we are a couple but only on my end i would like to get to know you better but you dont open up which i get cause people do things differently but i mean at some point your gonna have to share yourself with me. its fine to have someome who doesnt like EVERYTHING you do cause i mean if we like all thw same things there is nothing new to talk about...i just mean that we share most of the same interests not like the one thing we have in common is that we like each other cause then all day long it will just be "i love you" or "i wanna hug you" which is nice ^^; but gets kinda repetitive yeah i feel like if your gonna fight it shouldnt be that your fighting the person but more like your fighting for that person like rather than argue because you absolutely cant stand the person your arguing because you love the person and want to find a solution to whats bothering you two i cant do in the moment relationships anymore tbh orz im sort of tired of introducing myself over and over and over lmao i sometimes forget who i told what so its like uhhh did i tell you about that one time i caused a fire in my backyard (true story) im laying low for now just wanma find that one person im ok with and just take it from there
http://static.zerochan.net/Minase.Iori.full.1600959.jpg no you didnt i would just the nicer approach sometimes is all ^_^
I just want to get the kawaii treatment sometimes indont always like the hostile treatment you know
Mar 09, 16 at 11:01pm
Yes, thank you. :D
Mar 09, 16 at 10:31pm
Queen Fancy @fancycosplayer6 I guess my name is Tekatofukakita! XD
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki left a comment for Daggera
Mar 09, 16 at 10:29pm
no way http://25.media.tumblr.com/a8fa14ee94254deedd74bdbb33dcaa49/tumblr_mk42uiamZt1s6xlpco1_500.gif its like your reading a script directly from my brain. kinda blowed my mind for a sec XD but yeah i feel the same way if you dont feel 100% happy if you kinda feel anything other than joy when speaking to the person then that isnt the one you know? but for me i think the idea of being "soulmates" is when both of you are happy and im not talking about in the moment i mean like years into the future your not gonna regret being with that person. even when they are old and dont look like they used to even if they get sick and cant take care of themselves your still there and still glad you can spend every second with them. but i dont wanna find someone im happy with and can see that happening but they dont feel the same i rather it be a mutual thing https://45.media.tumblr.com/e0cc7b7e054669220d9034618751fb05/tumblr_mj0of4zIVa1s00m8no1_500.gif for me its not that the people were bad cause they were honestly nice girls who im sure if they found the right guy would be pretty happy but i cant see myself with them. sure they were pretty, and sure they treated me fairly. but there wasnt that connection when i find myself just repeating the same stuff over and over because we just really dont have anything in common. i like anime but she doesnt, i play games she doesnt, i listen to music she hates music...like what is there to talk about? especialy when you bring up a topic and it doesnt go anywhere http://img07.deviantart.net/1c39/i/2011/217/3/4/cirno_shrug__lol_youmu_edit_by_yukirumo990-d45jvvb.png in anime i kinda like how even though the have fights and have problems they stil fix it together and look cute doing it lol you can tell when two people absolutely love each other. the couple that i see this alot is kaga and banri from goldent time kaga stays with banri until the end even though all the bad stuff happens http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/19chijhfm1je0jpg/original.jpg
Mar 09, 16 at 10:25pm
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-h6ElMIP2SvM/USa5KM483vI/AAAAAAADHhs/FOHGoDFzN58/w1000-h562-p/tumblr_mdlybuDL6F1r621gdo1_r1_500.gif This is actaully how it is for me when I have to get eye drops. I have a hard time doing it myself so I have to ask someone to help me and then I still have to resist not fighting them as they drop the solution in my eyes. I avoid as much as I can.
http://forums.upnetwork.net/signaturepics/sigpic2343_9.gif awwww are you trying to say you will miss me *pokes your cheek* so senpai does have a soft side
‎‎ @saberwing left a comment for Daggera
Mar 09, 16 at 9:38pm
You're a kind one. Somebody like me barely deserves a praise like that, but thanks anyway. ^^ Not really sure what you mean by the stalker part though. O_o https://kazasou.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/konachan-com-150079-arctic-kaenbyou_rin-touhou.jpg
http://37.media.tumblr.com/f2a878657add13aa09a5e089378ec43d/tumblr_n5uovjOi931tp7433o1_500.gif i am forever in your debt senpai ^_^