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Trollololo @asianfemalesaresubhuman
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Trollololo @asianfemalesaresubhuman
I can see why you're a degenerate subhuman. Male feminist? Yeah, quite the blue pilled suck up bitch, hope you commit suicide bro.

critjo @critjo So, since that has nothing to do with anything on my profile, is this even a person? I assume it's a bot spamming generic messages.

critjo @critjo
critjo @critjo
After years of watching anime in the standard anime art style, watch Deadman Wonderland. You will be freaked out by heads that are too narrow and mouths that are too wide for those normal-looking eyes.

critjo @critjo
critjo @critjo
Konnichi wa. Watashi wa critjo desu.
I'm learning to speak a little Japanese, learning to speak it takes a lot more work than learning to write it! Lots off important pronunciation rules to learn.
Would you kill the person above you?

critjo @critjo
commented on
Would you kill the person above you?
critjo @critjo
I'ma just reply to the last person who posted on topic :P so @saeko
I'd go yandere, then when it isn't reciprocated I'd go yangire, and skin her and preserve the skin (she could potentially live through this, but it wouldn't be a good life...)
Would you marry the person above you?

critjo @critjo
commented on
Would you marry the person above you?
critjo @critjo
As soon as it's legal.