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36 year old Male
Last online 1 day ago
Lancaster, OH
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio left a comment for Chocopyro
May 22, 23 at 11:41am
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 I read this as power of inconvenience
Chocopyro @chocopyro *This literally as I was just reading a necromancer's point of view on ghosts and etheric revenants*
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio left a comment for Chocopyro
May 19, 23 at 2:15pm
UWU -Mr Rogers
Veru @verucassault left a comment for Chocopyro
Jan 29, 23 at 10:45pm
Definitions of it vary depending on what caused the ego death. The definition from psychonauts will differ from someone that experienced it through mental illness or trauma. I think it would help you to write down your thoughts and feelings when you are stuck in that mindset so you have a consistent recording of what's happening day to day or episode to episode. Typically you hear about ego death as being a positive thing, enlightenment. You essentially break yourself down, all perceptions and then there is a feeling of one with the universe or some describe what their feeling as "god". But some people do not have that typical experience. It isn't seen as a rebirth automatically and can put them into crisis mode. I'm not too familiar with the dark side of ego death, but the idealistic side. But I did find this that you might want to read or explore further. https://aeon.co/essays/what-can-depersonalisation-disorder-say-about-the-self
I remembered later. I used to see you on the forums talking with Mikan, Lamby, SonicDuck and the lot when I came back a few years ago and sent you a friend request but left shortly after. I think I used to pronounce your SN wrong when reading it to myself though.
Did you used to go by Chocopia or something similar? I used to be TimidGiantArt@Digitalwolf001. You seem SO familiar.
DEACTIVATED @swadian left a comment for Chocopyro
Sep 28, 22 at 2:35pm
Hey Choco, if you're back one of these weeks, there's something very secretive I need to discuss with you
galaxial @galaxial left a comment for Chocopyro
Jul 25, 22 at 3:55pm
Since you're a mod, can you accept friend requests?
Chocopyro @chocopyro Sure, gimme a minute.
DEACTIVATED @swadian Now kiss you two!
DEACTIVATED @swadian left a comment for Chocopyro
May 27, 22 at 10:02pm
DEACTIVATED @swadian left a comment for Chocopyro
May 27, 22 at 2:12pm
Oh the white mage has a very strict rule of voluntary donations, he doesn't asks for money nor puts on puppy eyes waiting for it, he fixes you and let's you go, if you want to give him money that's up to you. Sadly I missed my chance to be scanned by him and his assistance, my siblings and parents all got scanned, one of them was diagnosed with having a second heart, meanwhile the small inspection done unto me (not a full scan) just brought up the whole brimming with energy thing. He asked me whether I would randomly collide with objects or hurt myself out of nowhere or like suddenly while doing any normal action my body would just move to hit something... It was kinda creepy because that happens to me very often where out of nowhere I just collide with objects or get hurt out of the blue almost unconsciously. He said it was my body's attempts to get rid of the energy because it was too much for me to handle
DEACTIVATED @swadian left a comment for Chocopyro
May 27, 22 at 12:35pm
Hey Choco, I visited a white mage a month ago, he said I had some sort of course on my body going on but that it was mostly phased out by now and not that strong anymore. He also said I was brimming with energy and that it could bring me bad issues in the future if I don't learn how to get rid of the excess, thought you would find it interesting
DEACTIVATED @swadian Sorry, curse* not course, damn auto correct
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