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jenjenjennn @ilovekrisandchanyeol
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XVX Otaku
jenjenjennn @ilovekrisandchanyeol
Because now I don't have class on friday or saturday ^^ Nope this is the first time I have mentioned this university ^^. It is its called University of texas rio grande valley XDD Long name it used to be UTPA XD
I used to work like 5 hours per day for five days XD since i had school I couldn't work more >< Nah it isn't I work only during the summers so like I only get two to three classes ^^
It's not far it's like 10 minutes from my house by car so its fine staying the night there XD the only thing is that since it's in the country there is hardly any lights XDD
Only the high school ^^/
I don't think it's big
I own manga, a figure, a few keychains and a few DVDs
My mom just bought me some bed sheets for my bed so that was added to my collection
my room has a lot of posters and most of them are drawings that my sister made for me and colored ^^/ well some of them haha
some other ones I got from a really good friend but most I bought haha XD so it's a small collection that I am proud of ^^
People sure are awesome aren't they? ^^ I respect them greatly ^^
You told me I could call you Brian \^0^/ so Brian is your name ouo
I do a lot of bad things to be honest XD but meh life is too short to be always doing good things to me XD I mean I don't do like horrible things I just do bad things like... not study for an exam, which let me tell you I actually pass those with a better grade -3-/ I have no idea what is wrong with me XDD
No worries I hold grudges but they eventually just go away ^^/
hmmm family member passed away...
I consider myself really lucky to be honest ^^/
Of course not ^^ I look forward to your messages ^^
always ^^

jenjenjennn @ilovekrisandchanyeol
left a comment for
XVX Otaku
jenjenjennn @ilovekrisandchanyeol
Hmmmm I don't have any remedies sorry ><
No needs to be sorry I also answered late OTL I'm really sorry ><
XDD no problems
It isn't don't worry I've been sleeping at around 11 every night I have a little more time to study in th day so yayyy \^0^/ it's called UTRGV ouo I haven't said I don't think I have XDD
I don't know I honestly don't even know where the machine thingy is at XD I just go do my job and come back home XDD haha
The parents are part of the school board or are family of the school board where I live like it's really small so it's not weird having family in the school board and they use that to their advantage XDD
I try my best to stay positive haha XDD
We can be fools together \^^/
I watch it online and if I can buy it I buy it ouo
Haha maybe XD I like watching people eue haha jk jk I just like how they have fun and just how awesome they are ouo
I can remember names ouo only if I like the person
Ohhhhh ><
I see >< holding grudges is a no no >< but I still do it OTL
Hmmm I don't regret anything I've done in my life so far ouo/ everything has a reason ouo
Haha no worries reply when you can \^0^/
It was the one before the one I'm replying to I believe
My Christmas wasn't the best ><
Awwww that's sweet ouo
Ps: I finally had time to answer this OTL sorry I took forever ><

jenjenjennn @ilovekrisandchanyeol
left a comment for
XVX Otaku
jenjenjennn @ilovekrisandchanyeol
XD You are such a nice guy haha
I am glad you are feeling better
It's too bad I couldn't nurse you back to health >3< next time I will do my best to nurse you back to health XDDD
XD The internet is really a curious thing ^^
I think they won't, but I start class at 9 so I won't really be needing them, I needed them more when I went to school at like 7 in the morning but now when I go the sun will be fully out and it won't bother me, well at least I hope it doesn't XDD and if it does thennnn Oh wells what can I do XDD My hours had changed XD and I drive now so like the sun is all over me when I drive XDD OTL I hope I am not confusing this I'm so sleepy like you don't even know OTL XDDD
They say that the University I want to go into isn't like the best in keeping the students as their priority OTL like they loose everything or they send you things that you didn't ask for, they are disorganized that's what I've heard XD
I guess it is unique XDD it gets really hot during the summer too hot >< and sometimes the a/c doesn't work so that is worse OTL
Oh being a janitor is good, you are the one responsible for keeping things clean and nice ^^/ I appreciate janitors without them the buildings or the working areas wouldn't be functional ^^/
Yups and it really sucked but the teachers can't really say or do anything to the kids because the parents control the school, kind of like in movies and stuff, I feel bad for the teachers ><
Yups all of my teachers gave up, and it really sucked I like school I like going to learn new things, when I got into college I felt like I had learned nothing from high school and I felt sooooo down and so I don't know it wasn't the best feeling, but now I am back at my feet, and that actually helped me learn how to study better and use my resources more ^^ so I guess it was a good thing that I didn't learn as much in high school :P in a way XDDD
XD I feel like I enjoyed my high school the best I could
THANKS XDD YOU ARE PRETTY COOL TOO ^^/ I hit the jack pot XD Is that how you use that expression? I don't know I might be making a fool out of myself right now >///< but that's okay I consider that one of my charms haha XDD OTL
I tend to puff my cheeks out when I want something XDD haha
OHHH that sounds so good I would really love that right now to be honest ><
I wouldn't cosplay XD Would you cosplay? I don't think cosplaying(?) is for me XD I like looking at others cosplay ^^ its fun OUO HAHA I guess you can say it is XD but I like the tight ones? I don't know how to explain it OTL
I am not good at memorizing things, like I had to memorize medicine names, and what tools are used for what I just couldn't do it, and blood doesn't go to well with me >< I'm not scared of it, but I can't see someone bleeding I'll panic a little...
I haven't had insomnia for a while now which I am really glad for *^* I usually don't cuddle but if it's with you I don't mind ^^/
I had to do it for at least 2 years ^^b how about you? OuO
I hope it helps, if I could I would go with you and sit with you and just listen to you and your dad, that might help you out a little? but I hope everything goes well for you
I don't think I am intelligent it's just things I've learned from my parents ^^/ mostly my mom, and my dad taught me to be strong my mom did too, but my dad taught me to love everyone even if they don't like you and that I sometimes have to speak up in order for others to understand what I am feeling and what I want ^^/ I was a pain to them in high school >< but after I talked to them everything fell into place little by little ^^/
Touchy? I'm sorry to hear that I wish I could help I really do ><
Ohhhhh okay okay, I thought you meant another Apollo thing OTL
XD Yeah the cartoons came out at night when my dad came back from work so he would sit and just watch it with us since we stopped talking and he could rest XDD
I think we did, we actually got back into anime when we were in middle school like the end of 7th and the start of 8th grade ^^
we stopped watching it when we moved to here to Texas since the channels we used to watch them on did not came out here ^^
When I don't have glasses on I feel like I can fall just by taking one step, my head hurts a lot and I can't stay focused on just one thing I have to look around to figure out what is what or I have to touch it to know what it is XD
I also feel weird without my glasses since I've used them for a long time
I don't feel comfortable without them ^^
I don't think it's only a glasses person thing ^^
It's just like having a bracelet on when you take it off after a long time of wearing it, it might feel weird but I don't know XD
Maybe just like a guy's beard?? I don't know OTL
I want to switch to contacts because the glasses I have to wear for laboratory don't fit over my glasses and it pisses me off XDD
Sure I'll send a picture without glasses but I don't want it public >< Can I send it private ??? I hope I am still cute
I got called ogre today ;;~~;; XD It didn't bother me I just found it childish XDDD
Yeah this semester I felt like I just couldn't do it anymore but with Gintama on my side it actually help me out a lot ^^, plus I got to meet you so that was a great thing ^^/
Oh no no, XD if I kept that in my laptop I would die XDD haha i don't have any Yaoi in my phone or laptop
I just have a lot of photos of me being crazy or just being silly XDD
not a pretty sight XDDD
I like yaoi but I am not super mega like in love with it, I like shonen-ai better which is softer yaoi XDD
I hope you are still hoping for my messages I feel horrible for not responding fast ><
PS: this guy used one of your comments and send it to another girl >< I found that really weird ><
I hope you are doing good and hope you had a good Christmas
I will be in your care this year too ^^
Well it was a little early but still XDD
Last one to post on here wins.

XVX Otaku @brianm
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Last one to post on here wins.
XVX Otaku @brianm
What anime/manga have you recently started

XVX Otaku @brianm
commented on
What anime/manga have you recently started
XVX Otaku @brianm
I recently started Hyouka. I am watching a few currently airing ones too, but I’ll skip that because the other questions wouldn’t really apply.
But I have been interested in Hyouka since it aired back in 2012, but life’s got a way of throwing things at you. But then I picked it after talking with someone about other shows and they had Hyouka in their favorites list.
As far as what I was expecting it; I was expecting quite a bit because of the staff and studio. I’ve enjoyed drama, romance, mystery, and comedy from these people and loved every minute of it.
And so far, I’m not being disappointed. Mind you I’m only three episodes in, but it’s got me hoping for some good plot advancements and fun characters.