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32 year old Male
Last online almost 2 years ago
Taastrup, Denmark
Yea I have no idea what it did apart from magic
Kotomi @kawaiikotomi left a comment for blackmage
Mar 02, 14 at 9:45am
hahaha actually XIII is the best in my opinion. Every character is awesome, even though there is one character with a really high pitched voice which is kinda annoying x] haha, is it a recommendation? Then if you ever get a ps3 you must play XIII! most people on here aren't too social, or else they wouldnt have joined?;3 Unfortunatly promoting is easier said than done hehe well they'll come back eventually, or you'll meet a lot of the new faces(; Aslong as you can sleep afterwards, its no problem, but you should sleep eventually xD Korean players don't care whether or not its the meta, they'll beat you with any champ. and when they play starcraft its even crazier, they are so damn good o_O Veigars passive is not the worst in game, and the passive of his q is so good that it evens out everything. I have, I lovee Sona<3 and Ahri and Vlad<3 But the best looking champ is Jinx, she is just too damn awesome-Still not over the fact of how perfect she is-
You an I matched in Blue Eye's game. lol Sukiyaki is a kind of hot pot, Black, and also One Piece. :P So I added you. Hope we can be friends!
Wait wait it works now its all good lol
Yea I have no idea its still broke I have no idea. How did Taylor fix it?
Mar 01, 14 at 5:05pm
Can't right now! Sorry!
Mar 01, 14 at 5:06am
Im fine, playing alot of Mabinogi and started playing Tera Online again, retook my char up. Also, i have been on a few times. But there have always been silence. And then the fact that i run this site from the browser i dont use so much. XD What about you?
AboveTheSky @abovethesky left a comment for blackmage
Feb 28, 14 at 6:22pm
Yea it Seemed like a nice site for anime fans
Kotomi @kawaiikotomi left a comment for blackmage
Feb 26, 14 at 2:40pm
Ive played XIII, VIII and VII Its no shame to be online on tc often, that means you're social. Ain't nothing wrong with being social ;3 You should promote it more! Everyone would want to take a look, and it will become a chaotic happiness?x] There are a lot of accounts om this site, but only a hand full with people that you see on a lot of profiles, and those people you already reached, so you actually achieved the goal already(: Can't blame you for not sleeping, the internet is just way too interesting. Especially after midnight Veigar always has been a little underrated, he has awesome skins, his jokes are the best and veigar against AP is just freaking awesome. He is one kf the harder champs to main, thats probably why you don't see him too much.
Kotomi @kawaiikotomi left a comment for blackmage
Feb 25, 14 at 3:30pm
Final fantasy is brilliantly made, unfortunatly I didn't play all the games yet. But the stories, and how on earth they did the art that perfect o_O Hahaha well you're online in tc so often that you even became moderator. So you probably don't sleep too much haha.how long has the chat been active actually? It was only about a week ago I said to someone that maiotaku really should have something like this and them I found it! Aah ic, wasnt bveigar based off of the blackmages? Atleast his design, his character a little less so x3