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32 year old Male
Last online almost 2 years ago
Taastrup, Denmark
Red @redhawk left a comment for blackmage
Jan 10, 14 at 12:34pm
Well I'm not officially a manga artists, yet. Yea, writer's block sucks. I agree with you on that. Ah I see, I'm sure another job offer will come along
Karasu @kain_karasu left a comment for blackmage
Jan 08, 14 at 11:39am
You've got a rock safari man, with probopass and magcargo, won't be able to tell the third one until you beat the elite four and we're both online at the same time haha
Trash Ramen @exherokid left a comment for blackmage
Jan 07, 14 at 11:49pm
Jan 07, 14 at 10:56pm
Okay! My best friend is a girl that I've been friends with for about eight years. We used to do nearly everything together. She goes to a different university than me so we don't get to see each other much anymore, but it's like nothing has changed every time we see each other. We can still talk about nearly anything and never run out of things to talk about. She's the one that I introduced to metal. She and her family love to hunt, and although they tease me, there is never a problem when I come over to eat at their house. xD Her family is pretty much my second family. In fact, her dad is pretty much the reason I have a job. xD Our families have been on vacation together twice. My other friend is a guy that I had been in band with for five years. We used to be so close that people thought we were dating. It was never like that though; we were just really good friends. He introduced me to a lot of different metal bands and is actually in a local one himself. He had me write and record a piano solo for one of the band's songs. We're both percussionists and were on the drumline, so during band practice we would constantly talk about stupid things that didn't make sense, but they made us laugh. He's a year younger than me and he's studying at the local university, so I don't see him as much as I would like either, but I can call him whenever just to talk. What about your friends? :) I like Numb too! I also really like One Step Closer. I totally agree that Numb sounds great in piano covers! haha, well just trying to keep the whole Star Wars vs. Star Trek argument alive! I hope you like Source Code! I loved Finding Nemo, it was one of my first pixar movies too. How do you relate it to your parents? :P I still haven't seen Toy Story 3. Shrek and How To Train Your Dragon are my favorite movies from Dreamworks. I think the quality of Dreamworks movies has been consistently getting better. I've heard so much about Frozen, but I haven't seen it yet. One of my old music teachers posted on facebook that he went to see it three times. xD I agree, but a lot of people only think about the benefit they can receive rather than the majority of people. I think that's the main problem with most things now... many people only think of themselves. There's a saying here that the two things you don't want to talk about with people are religion and politics because they're so controversial. So no one ever really wants to talk about it. Dx I don't know of any topic at the moment, but I'm sure I'll think of something soon. xD Okay, I will eventually try it! It is good that you've made so many close friends here though! Haha, you could work some sort of online job! I honestly don't know why I chose this site. One day I was eating dinner in my university's cafeteria with some friends and the idea just kinda hit me to join an otaku website. I have no idea where it came from, but it seemed like a good idea. So I googled otaku websites and this was one of the first ones I found that seemed nice. I don't know why, but I felt compelled to join even though I've never joined a website like this before. I'm so glad I did though. \(^.^)/ What about you? :D
Jan 07, 14 at 9:55pm
lol alright then :P i don't need a perfect team cuz god knows i don't wanna spend time doing that xD
Karasu @kain_karasu left a comment for blackmage
Jan 07, 14 at 9:25pm
I've got a poison safari with cascoon, swalot, and muk...I think all three are only obtainable through safari xD and I haven't found anyone with a poison safari like mine so they're three of the pokemon I'm missing if you want to trade safari pokemon haha, I'll tell you what you got when I get on, and yeah I still have the charmanders, but I don't need bulbasuar. Only one of the starters I'm missing is squirtle...and I still haven't gotten my shiny charmander -_- so I'm still working on getting my perfect IV/nature/color coordinated team together haha
Jan 07, 14 at 6:45pm
LOL it's alright xD yeah i saw you added me :D we should play pokemon some time >:3
Karasu @kain_karasu left a comment for blackmage
Jan 07, 14 at 4:13pm
Heya man sorry for the late response but I'll add you to my friends list now, I already gave you my FC before right? should be on your wall somewhere >.> been kinda busy with other things recently so I haven't been on much.
ADogX @adogx left a comment for blackmage
Jan 07, 14 at 12:52pm
add you back man
Jan 07, 14 at 2:40am
Lol I'm BACCCKKK and Right!!! mage happy new year you crazy guy