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32 year old Male
Last online almost 2 years ago
Taastrup, Denmark
Dec 11, 13 at 1:43pm
Hai grandpa!
kidpool @kidpool left a comment for blackmage
Dec 11, 13 at 12:23pm
Getting tiiiiiiiired of this shit. I know tons of 25+/- olds who are immature as fuck. ( great example is wolfy ) so who the fuck is Kichi to TELL ME im not 24? Seriously wtf, like I dont know my own fucking age,
Chiaki @chiaki0978 left a comment for blackmage
Dec 11, 13 at 10:28am
oh lol well, i say excuse me or sorry and they say it back haha yeah i love love the countryside. especially if im in a house that has like, an open veranda. omg. one of my moms best friends live in the countryside in a huge house. so pretty over there~
Haha hey =D well they decided not to pay me for some reason :( God knows when I'll be getting some money next, but once I get some I'll swap round :)
Karasu @kain_karasu left a comment for blackmage
Dec 10, 13 at 8:43am
nah he's supposedly gonna switch servers today though, so we should get to play with him soon :], and no worries man I didn't play much myself yesterday, mainly just finished up the main story line and talked to the guys for a bit before I logged off haha
Dec 09, 13 at 12:45am
No D: wifi went out T^T
Dec 08, 13 at 3:26pm
Male oh you should message him he's a comment below you on my profile and has the same name as kirito.
Chiaki @chiaki0978 left a comment for blackmage
Dec 08, 13 at 1:13pm
haha a lot of Korean people are kind of rude. Like, if you accidentally bump into them in the streets, they won't even say sorry or give you a second glance and just keep walking. I'm so used to people here going "Oh excuse me, im sorry" that when i go to korea and dont even hear a "excuse me"...it just makes me feel bad lol. the countryside is so quiet and there are mountains everywhere in korea, and its just what i love lol
Dec 08, 13 at 12:51pm
Hey kuro-dono are you going to get online today we might get a new partner
Karasu @kain_karasu left a comment for blackmage
Dec 08, 13 at 8:53am
Haha guess I didn't actually miss you then xD, and I'll be 50 today! (with my bard) but yeah you should definitely get on we need to catch you up to the group :p are you enjoying the story so far? (you can probably see why I started re-writing it -_-)