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lightningflame11 @kshitij11
left a comment for
Beyblade Otaku
lightningflame11 @kshitij11
it's nice to find some beyblade fans

Elgardiel @maxkarateboy
left a comment for
Beyblade Otaku
Elgardiel @maxkarateboy

Thanks For Friend Req! :D

Cuki @cure00
left a comment for
Beyblade Otaku
Cuki @cure00
Hi,welcome to site :D
Hi everyone!^θ^

Beyblade Otaku @beybladeotaku
Hi everyone!^θ^
Beyblade Otaku @beybladeotaku
As you can tell I'm new here and do love making friends well honest friends, I like to watch action/comedy anime's so if you have any recommendations for me I would love to hear it. Anyway new here and can't wait to be your friend (*^▽^*)