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ConceptSama @conceptsama
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ConceptSama @conceptsama
I dont care what you think about anime i just want to meet someone cool

Marou209 @marou209
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Marou209 @marou209
Hey just wanted to know how you feel about Code Geass season 3 because for the longest time I thought there was not gonna be another season because of obvious reasons

mechafan395 @mechafan395
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mechafan395 @mechafan395
are you Japanese?
Do you really need your bf/gf to like anime?

astra @astra
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Do you really need your bf/gf to like anime?
astra @astra
My bf doesn't really have any interest in anime/manga but he actually thinks its cute that I get all passionate about the things I love. We're pretty much complete opposites, but it just really works well for us. And he's about the only one besides my family that I can be my super geeky self with. If your significant others can accept all your quirks, then they're a real keeper. (: