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markrodriguez @markrodiguez
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markrodriguez @markrodiguez
Gaaah... AV... not AVGN.... well you know what I mean...

markrodriguez @markrodiguez
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markrodriguez @markrodiguez
Lol kinda weird knowing you were at AVGN back then. We might have even crossed paths and we never would have noticed. XD

Kodoku na Doutei @kodokunadoutei
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Kodoku na Doutei @kodokunadoutei
New to the site just saying hi to everyone. So hi the names Billy. You fill in blank ____________. ME: Nice to meet you.
Anime Kaigi 2010~

EmoAria @animegurl
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Anime Kaigi 2010~
EmoAria @animegurl
I know what you mean. However, my con attendance to what cons has went up! I can now go to the ones in the states surrounding AZ! Woohoo!
Anime Kaigi 2010~

EmoAria @animegurl
Anime Kaigi 2010~
EmoAria @animegurl
Hello everyone! As a fellow staffer at AK'10 I thought I should share this con with you!
Anime Kaigi will take place in the lovely Flagstaff, Arizona for its first year. The convention will be held from June 4th through June 6th at The du Bois Convention Center at Northern Arizona University.
That's right! June 4th-6th, 2010!
Ticket prices are currently $40, but rates will be going up after May 31st and will be $45 at the door.
We also have a line of guests attending, so come check them out!
Our guest list includes:
-Johnny Yong Bosch
-Katie Bair
-Sonny Strait
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me! Or visit our website!
Can't wait to hear from you!!!
May 27-30
Staff. Jun 4-6
Sep 4-6