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akiraaaaa675 @akiraaaaa675
akiraaaaa675 @akiraaaaa675
Bruhhh just working like a typical adult >.<
Saturday nights

neeto @neet_one
Saturday nights
neeto @neet_one
What's a typical Saturday night like for you?

akiraaaaa675 @akiraaaaa675
akiraaaaa675 @akiraaaaa675
I haven't seen a fireflies in so many years!!! Use to catch them too and put it in a bottle ◉‿◉
Random thoughts...

yaasshat @yaasshat
commented on
Random thoughts...
yaasshat @yaasshat
Like lightning bugs... Speaking of... It just rained and I haven't seen so many lightning bugs in years, it makes me happy. They've been dieing out it seems. Maybe it's just me? Buuuuut ... They're everywhere right now and I missed that. I used to catch them as a kid.

akiraaaaa675 @akiraaaaa675
akiraaaaa675 @akiraaaaa675
how do you guys define love?

akiraaaaa675 @akiraaaaa675
how do you guys define love?
akiraaaaa675 @akiraaaaa675
In my own perspective, defining love isn't easy. Love isn't always enough in a relationship you actually have to respect each other boundaries, understanding each other and having a good communication. Love is something you can't force to feel a certain type of way. Love is when a person gives a new direction to your life to help you grow. The thought that you can literally give up everything just to see them happy that is also love.
I'm just speaking with my own experience.
What are you listening right now

akiraaaaa675 @akiraaaaa675
What are you listening right now
akiraaaaa675 @akiraaaaa675