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Probably the fact i'm so laid back an relaxed i dont make a fuss of the small things like most would im too calm I guess but I do have anxiety so i'll sometimes wanna just chill not be all over the place
dating apps
6 months ago • Relationship Advice
Apr 17, 24 at 11:32pm
Hey!!! Me too!!! She's also my first ex-wife! lol (Hopefully only.)
@peanutbutteroreo Agnosticism is better than atheism. For we swear to no dogma nor rhetoric. We keep an open mind simultaneously with a discerning skeptical eye. Occultism is a great option if you seek your own answers, but every time someone comes at you with religion and tries to force points of view down your throat, you aren't even offended, just annoyed at listening to a Dunning Kruger type who doesn't truly know what they're talking about, and insists that you are infact a devil worshiper, even though everything you say aligns with the bible, for you know what the paribles truly mean. Animism is looking at spiritual phenomena and just accepting it as a normal part of the world. It is observational and practical rather than "wuuwuu mystical". Lastly Deism is knowing there's a god, but accepting man's place in the world. God won't save you. It is man who must act. It is you who must be your own savior. There is no judgement that will cast you down for your actions asside from that of man. God is incapable of intervening. All of these play nicely together, and are perfect for the non-commital types. You'll be a well adjusted human being, just like me! https://i.pinimg.com/originals/72/ae/fe/72aefe474174af8e7da31a9be1a03fc2.gif
Be bored asf
6 months ago • Random Chatter
Unexpected -
6 months ago • Random Chatter
Apr 14, 24 at 8:38pm
I think the first episode did a pretty good job adapting. I’m looking forward to the next one
If I ever were to get one, I would love something small and dainty like flowers or butterflies. I've also seen some really cute Studio Ghibli themed designs.
Might I suggest buying Richard Williams The Animator's Survival Kit (Or the expanded edition)? Richard Williams was the director of animation for "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" and the book is worth its weight in gold for all the fundamental animation knowledge it contains. It's pretty cheap now too.
Old User Apology
6 months ago • Introductions
Apr 10, 24 at 6:18pm
@notpurple Hi. Living, walking example of what that's like. I'm well past that point, actually. Giving up doesn't mean you end it. Giving up means you grow numb to life. Despite what nature intended, you continue to exist. You stop seeking the yearnings and cravings you had in life. Then you start to realize it never would have made you happy anyways. You loose ambition in your hobbies and creative interests. That part, I still miss. You act merely out of minimal obligation and empathy. But you are no longer seeking approval or attention through it. When you find yourself helping someone, it's instinctive. The mask you thought you didn't own, much less wear in front of others suddenly falls to peices, and you could tell that others are aware. You start to loose your filter. But not your diplomacy or emotional intellect. Now recently what I'm discovering is I am starting to care again about these superficial games we play in our minds and with others in our orbit. But it's different now. Because I know who I am. I never truly lost anything. Even my inner passion is starting to come to the surface again. Now if you're talking about ending it, then I won't tell you not to, but I do have some cursed knowledge to better educate you on what to expect. Hi again, I do a lot of ghost hunting and take this with a grain of salt, but I have partial context conversations with a lot of dead people in my dreams, through dowsing, Shoddy (but getting better) mediumship, and through empathic connections. This is in addition to more tangible tools like flashlights, emf, shifting frequency radios, and cat balls. The idea is to look for intelligent responses across multiple mediums, electronic and mundane. Since yes or no questions are the easiest to verify, since they come through non-subjective means like a cat toy lighting up in response to questions and stuff like that, one thing we learned rather quickly was that in death, you don't escape anything. Except maybe the brain chemicals, and biological senses like taste, touch, smell, and kinda-sorta sight. (The etheric and astral bodies have their own ways of perceiving.) The best way I could describe it in astral projection is, it will feel like one of those dreams where everything feels more real than a normal dream, but when you awake, you realize the sensations of touch are subdued, where as emotion is felt much more strongly. A profound emotional dream may stay with you for a lot longer than the usual emotional head spaces we experience while lucid and awake. That's what it's like for the discarnate. Yet without the cognitive brain to aid you, you get mired in that emotion for much longer. Hence why some of them look to us to help them process pain or grief. They're outsourcing it. One of the wierdest cases I had in Fairfield County Infirmary was the sensation of a rope around my neck. I could tell it wasn't trying to do me harm, so i let down my shielding and tried to help her. Now a normal person has every right to freak out when that kind of sensation comes over them. To me, it is what it is. Just like life.
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