
Giostar @masterzetsu
Giostar @masterzetsu
dose anybody play? ifso whos your best charecter, highest level, your joke charecter, and favorite summon?
lvl 100
magic pot

Rinar @renard
commented on
Rinar @renard
OmG. Five months and no replies. I use Cloud Strife, he's level 100. Leonhart is also 100. Sometimes i pick Sephiroth and use only black materia really away from my opponent and laugh of him/her. I don't summons a lot, but when i use one, it's bahamut or ifrit.

eliudtehgreat @eliudtehgreat
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eliudtehgreat @eliudtehgreat
Zidane user here, sometimes squall, both level 100 ^^ I usually fight without items to make it even matches though .-.

JenovaNin @jenovanin
commented on
JenovaNin @jenovanin
Both Cloud and Sephiroth are on lvl 100 for me. I love using Chaos rule during Quick Matches, but only when it's for play. Otherwise I'm trying to level up Warrior of Light, Bartz, and Squall.
..now I want to go play it again.

Noma87 @noma87
commented on
Noma87 @noma87
I have both dissidia and dissidia 012. My characters for dissidia are Cloud LV.100, Warrior of light LV.100, and my joke character is EX Death.... he's soo slow
and my 012 characters are Kain Lv.100, Sephiroth Lv.100, and my joke character is still EX Death >.<
I hope it's okay to put dissidia 012 on this thread, seeing as it being the same game pretty much.

Gabriel @gabriel_true
commented on
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Been 13 years since I played on PSP during college. Never touched NT because I learned there was no 1 vs. 1 options and it always required a minimum of 6 players.
When I did my profile looked something like;
Favorite Character: Kuja (LV100) https://i.redd.it/2c0adzegxeq41.png
Joke Character: Gilgamesh (LV100 Rocket Punch all day!) https://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110408145340/es.finalfantasy/images/5/5b/Gilgamesh_concepto_1.jpg
Favorite Summon: Odin (Because Odin!) https://www.kindpng.com/picc/m/144-1444141_transparent-final-fantasy-png-dissidia-final-fantasy-odin.png
However my greatest disappointment were the lack of inclusion of characters like Zach Fair, Seifer, or Balthier.
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