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Some of these are good. I use to steal sweets and other small things when I was a kid. My so called friends pressured me to do it though :-(
Sometimes i have dreams; that i'm involuntarily gay.
Oct 13, 15 at 12:44pm
I sometimes wish a random person on the street would pick a fight with me, just so I have a valid reason to punch him and get rid of some of my anger and frustration I keep bottled up inside.
Ted you are not the only one. I have had the worse year and would love to get in a fight. To get out all my anger and bad feelings
Oct 13, 15 at 1:36pm
This account has been suspended.
Oct 13, 15 at 6:24pm
nyc sux lol
Oct 14, 15 at 2:11pm
I sometimes imagine that I have wings and armored claws as I walk around places and then I find it a little strange when little kids look at me as if they can see them.
Elz @enerezu commented on Confessions
Oct 14, 15 at 6:13pm
I want to live inside an anime... xD
Oct 14, 15 at 6:36pm
I think orcs are sexy...and I like types of hentai most people would find horrible......and I hoard useless shit because I think I'll use it later which I never do......and I Act like a tomboy but I like to paint my toe nails and pluck my brows......and I like to sleep with the window down cause I love the cold, even if my mom has the heat on.....and I like kids cartoons too much.....and I wish I was in midevil times as a warrior then I do present times.....and sometimes I eat all the things and when people get mad I lie......and I like that my boyfriend has a bad sense of humor 'cause he finds all the stupid stuff I say funny....and this confession session felt good ^_^
I feel like I am always forced to be the adult in situations, when all I really want to do is let someone else take all the responsibility. Also, I agree with Ted's statement. I would love to have a chance to wail on a human sized/textured object. I am a teddy bear usually though, but I need some serious stress relief.
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