League of Legends

nary89 @nary89
League of Legends
nary89 @nary89
who here plays league of legend and likes to have fun and good at it? doesnt have to be good at it, but u know wat i mean :p hehe. who do you main wen you play?:O

Sonicboom93 @sonicboom93
commented on
League of Legends
Sonicboom93 @sonicboom93
Hi, I play LoL sometimes when I'm bored. I usually play as Ashe and I think I'm okay at the game so far lol. my LoL name is SuperSonicRush93

S @sugihara
commented on
League of Legends
S @sugihara
I thought we already had a thread for this.

nary89 @nary89
commented on
League of Legends
nary89 @nary89
hehe always good to have another one :D maybe find more ppl :P

vid30kidd @vid30kidd
commented on
League of Legends
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
I play IGN: ThatLazyBlackGuy. Main champions I play are Malphite, Ashe, Ahri, Vi, Miss Fortune, and Sivir

mondomayhem_ @mondomayhem_
commented on
League of Legends
mondomayhem_ @mondomayhem_
i play. i prefer top/mid but can do every roll. im a gold player. IGN: mondomayhem.

Amezuki @amezuki
commented on
League of Legends
Amezuki @amezuki
I haven't played much but I've been using it to fill downtime lately when I can't focus on creative stuff.

S @sugihara
commented on
League of Legends
S @sugihara
<b>Platinum Player:</b>
Ministry (North America)
I main ADC but play all roles.

The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
commented on
League of Legends
The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
I am getting back into it, I prefer playing Starcraft 2 or Company of Heroes 2 personally.

feydikan @feydikan
commented on
League of Legends
feydikan @feydikan
I play that damn game... love/hate relationship.
Same name in game as on here.
I main support, but can also play mid and top.... But my talent lies in keeping egotistical ADC's alive. (trust me no easy task)
I avoid solo/duo ranked play due to the fact I can't stand babysitting morons.
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