J Stars Victory Vs. Discussion

Terumi @terumi
J Stars Victory Vs. Discussion
Terumi @terumi
If you haven't heard of it look it up. It's a Shounen Jump Crossover Fighter. Looks awesome, i hope to see Allen Walker added. But i'm happy to see Gintoki, Luffy, and Goku on it. Who else is excited for it and what do you want to see added?

Terumi @terumi
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J Stars Victory Vs. Discussion
Terumi @terumi
Really? No one? Seriously?

Terumi @terumi
commented on
J Stars Victory Vs. Discussion
Terumi @terumi
No one else is excited for this? I'm gonna be persistent there has to be others who are looking foward to it.

Terumi @terumi
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J Stars Victory Vs. Discussion
Terumi @terumi
Why does no one want to talk about this? I mean come on a Shounen 3D crossover fighter how can you not like that? I mean it has Goku, Naruto, Toriko, Luffy, Ichigo, Kenshin, Some gag police type character, Gintoki, Gon, and Yusuke.

megamanx @megamanx
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J Stars Victory Vs. Discussion
megamanx @megamanx
Importing a PS3 game is about patience and decision.
Patience part: Are they releasing it worldwide or not? ex. Dragonball and Naruto are sure sales globally
Decision: Is this game going to be worth playing? Applies to certain anime and well established franchises that the developer decided not to release globally.
This game looks like a good import...Gintoki has a possibility of making this sell more.

Terumi @terumi
commented on
J Stars Victory Vs. Discussion
Terumi @terumi
I'm actually hope to see Allen Walker, it's character from Weekly Jump i believe, and Claymore is a part of it. So i'm crossing my fingers for Clare or Teresa.

Terumi @terumi
commented on
J Stars Victory Vs. Discussion
Terumi @terumi
Vegeta, Sasuke, Zebra, Gon, and Yusuke are in it. Zoro should be announced soon.

blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
commented on
J Stars Victory Vs. Discussion
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
I looking forward to Tsuna from hitman
But I already really want the game because of Gintoki >_< He like 99% of the reasons
I dont think it going to be a worldwide release, licensing issue and stuff I think. I really dont want to import it tho T_T
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