
nyai @nyai
nyai @nyai
Hihi! You guys can call me Nyai or Ai, or any other fun nicknames you may give. Considered a yanderekko, so watch out~
It's nice to meet you all, and I hope I have a nice time here!

DannyBooyyyY @omfgitzfear
commented on
DannyBooyyyY @omfgitzfear
Hopefully you have a fun time as you come to learn the website and the awesome people on it!

mobored101 @mobored101
commented on
mobored101 @mobored101

Haruu @haruu
commented on
Haruu @haruu
Hello and welcome to the site! I hope you enjoy your stay here. :3 And yanderkko? x3
Just thought I'd let you know that we have two unofficial Tinychat chatrooms up for MO (MaiOtaku). One that is general and open to everyone, and one for 18+ content. If you'd like to join us some time, then just <a href="">click here for the general chatroom</a> or here for <a href=""> the 18+ chatroom</a> . We're all friendly. :3 Most of us are on around the evening/night. :3
(P.S. To go into the 18+ chatroom you have to be over 18 years of age)
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