Heyyy peeps

pandaninja1994 @pandaninja1994
Heyyy peeps
pandaninja1994 @pandaninja1994
hi I'm Alisha! :D
I'm 19 and live in ohio~
i like making new friends :3

S @sugihara
commented on
Heyyy peeps
S @sugihara
Welcome to MaiOtaku!
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I hope you enjoy your stay! If you'd like to talk to some people and make some new friends, <a href="http://tinychat.com/maiotaku" target="_blank">come hang with us!</a>
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FG1R18A1 @fg1r18a1
commented on
Heyyy peeps
FG1R18A1 @fg1r18a1

AlluringSecrets @alluringsecrets
commented on
Heyyy peeps
AlluringSecrets @alluringsecrets
Hiya! :D Hope you make lots of super wuper friends on here ^-^

Haruu @haruu
commented on
Heyyy peeps
Haruu @haruu
Welcome to the site and I hope you enjoy your stay. Ohio sounds cool. :3
Adding onto what Sugihara said, just thought I'd let you know that we recently opened a new chatroom that's for 18+ discussions. If you're interested, then please <a href="http://tinychat.com/maiotaku18plus"> click here</a>. :3
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