<(^0^)> Hugs for all! :3

bleh. @reaeryn
<(^0^)> Hugs for all! :3
bleh. @reaeryn
I'm new here. For some reason, I can't upload a picture. v.v (Error 422 it says... Or something.)
I'm Reanna! :3 but you can call me whatever you'd like... >.< Just nothing too... mean. xD I hope to talk to people here soon!

seph @seph
commented on
<(^0^)> Hugs for all! :3
seph @seph

Haruu @haruu
commented on
<(^0^)> Hugs for all! :3
Haruu @haruu
Welcome to the site and I hope you enjoy your stay! :3 Hmm, error 422? I have no idea how to fix that. D: Try on a different browser? @__@ I hope you can resolve it, good luck. Sorry I'm no help. x__x
Just thought I'd let you know that we have an unofficial Tinychat chatroom up for MO (MaiOtaku). If you'd like to join us some time, <a href="http://tinychat.com/maiotaku"> then just click here. </a> We're all friendly. :3 Most of us are on around the evening/night. :3

bleh. @reaeryn
commented on
<(^0^)> Hugs for all! :3
bleh. @reaeryn
I figured it out. :D Yaaay!

omuyasha @omuyasha
commented on
<(^0^)> Hugs for all! :3
omuyasha @omuyasha
This account has been suspended.

mobored101 @mobored101
commented on
<(^0^)> Hugs for all! :3
mobored101 @mobored101
i accept all hugs

Rina @rinatanchu
commented on
<(^0^)> Hugs for all! :3
Rina @rinatanchu
Hello! Thanks for the hug! Glad you can be hear :D

stand_alone_complex @stand_alone_complex
commented on
<(^0^)> Hugs for all! :3
stand_alone_complex @stand_alone_complex
I will take this hug to the bank.
Welcome to the site. Navigation is simple, it's very user friendly. Enjoy.

Clint-91 @rorricjadde
commented on
<(^0^)> Hugs for all! :3
Clint-91 @rorricjadde
I'm also new. Hiya everyone!

FG1R18A1 @fg1r18a1
commented on
<(^0^)> Hugs for all! :3
FG1R18A1 @fg1r18a1
yeah!!!! free hugs..... hello
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