Hey there

rjmarca @rjmarca
Hey there
rjmarca @rjmarca
Wow am thankful thats it's just not me that's new.

seph @seph
commented on
Hey there
seph @seph
Hi and welcome!

vid30kidd @vid30kidd
commented on
Hey there
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
Welcome to the site

rjmarca @rjmarca
commented on
Hey there
rjmarca @rjmarca
Thank you!

Jacob~AnimeLover~Long @lagannfan
commented on
Hey there
Jacob~AnimeLover~Long @lagannfan
Welcome, you may leave your sanity to the left and your hat to the right. Naw this site is fairly sane.

shinta_otsuki @shinta_otsuki
commented on
Hey there
shinta_otsuki @shinta_otsuki
HAH there is no sanity when it comes to ANIME!!!!

DannyBooyyyY @omfgitzfear
commented on
Hey there
DannyBooyyyY @omfgitzfear
Can those two words even be put into the same sentence?

darkmagician777 @darkmagician777
commented on
Hey there
darkmagician777 @darkmagician777

Haruu @haruu
commented on
Hey there
Haruu @haruu
Welcome to the site! :3 Annd nooo.. Ahaha, there's so many new people. XD I hope you like it here. Enjoy your stay! :3
Just thought I'd let you know that we have an unofficial Tinychat chatroom up for MO (MaiOtaku). If you'd like to join us some time, <a href="http://tinychat.com/maiotaku"> then just click here. </a> We're all friendly. :3 Most of us are on around the evening/night. :3
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