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Text Messages that make you blush.

So you're at work or school maybe even church. And suddenly you read something that makes you blush without warning. Your thoughts? Love it? hate it? Maybe even share a few. Lol have fun everyone.
I usually don't blush. When I get embarrassed, I get slightly flush. Even if they're similar, the causes are different. I can't remember the last time I even flirted with a girl, so rusty.
Haha, I blush and smile lol And then there are those times when it is when you are talking lol I get super flustered!
love it, then i reply with a ;)
EndlessKnight oh man you name goes with my company =D. Also I don't blush, I just reply back with something that's comparable that was sent to me.
My ex-girlfriend used to send me really dirty fantasy emails in the middle of the day at work (obviously not on my work email). I didn't mind; it was kind of fun. ^^
Aug 16, 13 at 11:08am
No real blushing, but I do feel something from an honest reply to something I sent. The most you can ask for, right?
"you are cute" awsdjghaslfkjh that text always gets me IM NOT CUTE
I don't blush... I make ppls blush :3
Aug 26, 19 at 2:14pm
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