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Morning Beautiful People of MO
Howdy, Howdy, Howdy!
How are ya Gabe?
https://media1.tenor.com/m/DtD4LZbctTIAAAAC/tamm-cat.gif I'm Gabe and I'm GOOD
Don't believe the fake news. This is the True Gabriel and I am not good. I'm great! https://collider.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/free-guy-poster-ryan-reynolds.jpeg
@gabriel_true As human beings, God only allows Himself to be 100% correct. https://youtu.be/iG9CE55wbtY?si=qCbweJbjM4X7QAkM https://youtu.be/2Yt6raj-S1M?si=Y0QQQDP07aJXqzp0
I found both videos informative! The initial video with the British speaker telling a story of an elementary teacher asking her student what she was drawing was funny. When the teacher asked the girl responded, "It's a picture of God!" To which the teacher followed up, "How can you draw God when no one has seen Him?" And the girl replys, "They're about to find out when I'm finished drawing!" was admittedly cute. As for the second video with the Asian entrepreneur, I found what he explained creativity as to be much more grounded than the first speaker. I agree that public schools in the United States fail to facilitate students to be adaptable as well as innovative. More than art or music what we lack most is the ability to think critically and have keen observation skills when specific strategies fail to produce the results we need. So I agree teaching is more than quantities or statistics, but the application of real world problem-solving to create new solutions to unique challenges.
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