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Last one to post here wins

just relaxing and kinda bored
Now how can you be bored when you're on MO? It's a place where wishes and dreams come true! Unless your wish is to find someone to date or win this accursed thread in which case DREAM ON! DREAM ON! KEEP DREAMING TIL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE!
i gave up on dating lol and sadly most of the people i meet on here and become friends with and chat with end up leaving the site lol
Nah, man! We're all out here fighting the good fight with you. Ain't no one on this thread going anywhere. We'll continue posting beyond time and space if we have to to get that win! That's true love and dedication right there if I say so myself!
fair enough i am debating on sorting some cards , grinding some star rail and watching some anime to pass the time lol
Oh you wish to sort some cards do ya? Well boy do I have the perfect job for you! How fast can you get to Virginia via UPS shipping? I got some boxes that I desperately need sorted!
lol believe or not yugioh are the cards i plan to sort lmao
Gotta sort the stuff in the box into the binders lol
First off, you're clearly ahead of the game compared to me seeing as you got the cards in some kind of order as opposed to one big pile on the floor. Honestly I keep getting stuck in the bad habit of wanting to build multiple decks only for them to fail miserably thus restarting the deck building process from scratch! So far I have built a Vampire, Magikey, Amazement, Darklord/Despia, Magician Girl, Floowanereeze, Gravekeeper and Armed Samurai-Ben Kei deck. Then I play against someone with Kashtira or Labrynth and remember why I fall out of love with Yu-Gi-Oh periodically.
lol i have a friend that has floo , and labyrinth and a friend who used to play vampire ages ago lol
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