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Bugs and Suggestions This Far

Now i can atleast minimize it. Firefox 35 Newest version.
I wonder if there's some kind of default zoom setting that doesn't properly register with the size queries.
New here, but a couple things that may help simple browsing: -Male/female sign next to a person's username (since not all pictures are always clear, or even there and usernames hardly give that info themseleves) -The site has a rather heavy white/light color theme, which can be a bit harsh to look at too long. Maybe having an option for a slightly darker-colored theme would help make browsing more comfortable? (Not dark/creepy, obviously, just less brightness output)
Going with that, if possible to search for matches that are only listed as "single". Way too many times I've got people who were labeled as taken/no preference.
the chat windows keep blocking my view, whenever i close them they keep on appearing, usually there is 5 of the windows, 2 at the bottom and 3 at the top.
I believe I've fixed the issue with the boxes appearing in the wrong places. You need to click inside the message box text area for the messages to be marked as read, I think, but once you do that then you can close the box. I think that'll have to be the next bug I fix.
The chat boxes won't go away - they are driving me crazy! >.< I close them and they just pop right back up again.
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I'm getting some graphical tearing while pages are loaded, and sometimes the CSS will flicker off and on. My useragent string is Mozilla/5.0 (X11; FreeBSD amd64; rv:35.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/35.0. Doesn't do it on any other sites. I also second a way to turn off the realtime chats, if its easy to implement. Another feature that would be cool would be IRC, but IRC does lend itself to a more techy userbase, so some people here may not understand it.
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