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Older Otaku (if they exist)

ahhh that show just makes me happy: ) just watch genshiken ppl
Sep 09, 11 at 12:12am
Did someone say Usagi Drop?! *loves that show* Anyways, I'm 23. Certainly not the oldest, but I do feel really old sometimes. XD
Wow yea ive got this feeling before. Its just alot harder to find people into it like us once you get past the age 25+ alot i think its hard to even judge XD how old someone really is at cons and stuff. I really missed alot of cons myself and my first con was actually when i was 26. I so missed out on all the cool stuff i wished i knew about cons when i was younger. I actually started working for Animazement and since that i actually have met alot of nice people that way. Which i do miss out on somethings id like to do at the con but still have a blast.
Wow am I ever feeling this sentiment. Don't get me wrong, I love to see a huge influx of new people into the hobby, even if they are half my age or more. But it really does become harder to find someone in your own age range over 30. It's not that I have an issue with age, I have always said that mental maturity is more important than physical, but it feels creepy even making a pass at someone 25 you know?? What is the line? When is it creepy old man territory? :) LoL
yea you have to be careful, its something where you really have to strive to get closer to the person without making a pass until you two are really close. but i have no clue what im talking about im 19 lol, but i have no problem with older woman as long as they are interesting
By the standards of the 'cons I've attended in the past years, I'd say I'm old (26)
Sep 26, 11 at 12:58am
< another 'old otaku' haha!! I'm 31, speeding fast for 32, and I'm still checking out new anime and planning for my next cosplay! XD My problem is that I look way younger than I am, or so I'm told, so it's hard to meet people who wanna hang out with me. Some seem to like me but when they find out how old I really am they scram, like I have cooties or something because I'm not in my twenties anymore, even though I look like it lol.
Even at 23, going on 24 I feel old myself (even though I look more like I'm 16 or 17). The cons I've been to seems like its mostly teens. I'm sick of being hit on by girls who are in their mid teens who mistake me for someone their age. I've also given up on younger women, which is why it would be nice to meet some older women at the cons I go to.
Sep 26, 11 at 2:38pm
Yeah, I know what you mean... cons are definitely full of the wayyy younger crowd lol. And it's not like you can just card anyone who shows some interest, cause then you would seem like a creep or something, even though you're just trying to keep it legal. XD
Yeah. Some cons have badges that identify if you're a minor or an adult, so that helps a little. I wish I had started going to cons when I was in my teens.
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