Wrong Impressions

tornadomushroom @tornadomushroom
Wrong Impressions
tornadomushroom @tornadomushroom
I know this happens to everyone. This usually causes potential "GF/BF/FRIENDS" to back away and ignore you.
What are some impressions that you've given off? By looks or by personality?
For me, almost everyone thinks I'm a player or some type of guy who just likes taking advantage of people. 80% of the friends I've made who are cosplayers have thought this lol.

canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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Wrong Impressions
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
This account has been suspended.

Haruu @haruu
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Wrong Impressions
Haruu @haruu
They think I'm normal until they learn I'm quite the otaku. .____.
Although that's not so bad I think because by then they have already taken a liking to me. >:{D Oohohoho~

xx0utca5txx @xx0utca5txx
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Wrong Impressions
xx0utca5txx @xx0utca5txx
from past experiences I would say I can be a little odd online and very odd offline (knowing what to say and when to say it and how to say it always eludes me) this is all speculation though, I've never asked for feed back from friends on how they perceive me, I figure if you become my friend it is meant to be, if not then it's probably for the best.

juice @juice
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Wrong Impressions
juice @juice
I can be just a wee bit...inappropriate.

Crobi @noire
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Wrong Impressions
Crobi @noire
I think I get too comfortable with people too early, and because of this, I can have a bit of a potty mouth. But between that and my tastes in music, I feel like I sometimes give off some weird vibes until one gets to know me.

Erroneous Grammarian @notexactlyright
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Wrong Impressions
Erroneous Grammarian @notexactlyright
I've given off a lot of weird impressions. A lot of people will assume I'm lesbian or bi at first glance... Another awkward thing that's happened is when people assume that I am either extremely younger than I am or extremely older. People also tend to assume that I'm naive and gullible, which is probably a good thing, because then they're a lot more careless with their actions and it's easier to spot their true colors. Others jump to conclusions when they find out that I was homsechooled and immediately assume that I'm judgmental/racist/anti-LGBT/etc. For some reason, I've also given some people the impression that I'm an introvert or an emo self-harmer.... o.o

Michael @uglymod
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Wrong Impressions
Michael @uglymod
My face appears to be stuck in angry mode. People judge me based on my looks. I often scare people away before an initial greeting.

Cecil @cecil
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Wrong Impressions
Cecil @cecil
I think my biggest things are the fact "normal" girls don't want to date gamer guys and I'm also not the most extroverted or out-going guy. I've always been a bit anti-social although I've been attempting to change that. My age doesn't help much for the fact I'm in my early 30's and most otaku girls I run into are not a whole lot older than 21, especially at conventions.

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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Wrong Impressions
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
It has been democratically decided by a vote of 99 brain cells to one that I give off a creepy impression. I cite some guys at work who asked me one day, why are you so creepy?
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