Can you survive watching Boku No Pico?!
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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Can you survive watching Boku No Pico?!
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Boku no Pico & Sensitive Pornograph back to back (no pun intended)
CrimsonSilhouette @crimsonsilhoutte
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Can you survive watching Boku No Pico?!
CrimsonSilhouette @crimsonsilhoutte
Y u people TRY TO WATCH IT? (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
Whisp @whispywoods
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Can you survive watching Boku No Pico?!
Whisp @whispywoods
abelgianotaku @abelgianotaku
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Can you survive watching Boku No Pico?!
abelgianotaku @abelgianotaku
i love how everyone ( in the anime communauty ) talk about boku no pico how it is disgusting because it is shotacon but no one give a shit about the lolicon shit XD
neighborhoodbicycle @neighborhoodbicycle
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Can you survive watching Boku No Pico?!
neighborhoodbicycle @neighborhoodbicycle
Vroom vroom?
blackinkmar @blackinkmar
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Can you survive watching Boku No Pico?!
blackinkmar @blackinkmar
Maybe? I dunno. I don't want to have nightmares every night after watching that anime.
CAC @cac
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Can you survive watching Boku No Pico?!
CAC @cac
Yup I've watched it. I've seen way worse.
naughtywulf @naughtywulf
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Can you survive watching Boku No Pico?!
naughtywulf @naughtywulf
People really love to exaggerate Boku no Pico. If the characters were older, no one would be complaining.
Veru @verucassault
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Can you survive watching Boku No Pico?!
Veru @verucassault
Curly-Molto @forgetmenot
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Can you survive watching Boku No Pico?!
Curly-Molto @forgetmenot
Me who doesn't even know what it is: (To be fair, anyone who knows me even relatively shouldn't be surprised.) Because this "No Pico de goddamn Bok choy" isn't JoJo, Hetalia, or Pokemon and therefore, I am rendered clueless
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