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.*˚M i k a .₊̣̇.*˚ @mika101
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.*˚M i k a .₊̣̇.*˚ @mika101
Right back at ya, buddy~

.*˚M i k a .₊̣̇.*˚ @mika101
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.*˚M i k a .₊̣̇.*˚ @mika101
Let me give you attention. :D

abelgianotaku @abelgianotaku
abelgianotaku @abelgianotaku
need attention want
to talk to me ?
Whats the best yaoi anime?

abelgianotaku @abelgianotaku
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Whats the best yaoi anime?
abelgianotaku @abelgianotaku
Hitorjjime my hero <3333333333333333333
Why Communism isn't as hated as Nazism?

abelgianotaku @abelgianotaku
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Why Communism isn't as hated as Nazism?
abelgianotaku @abelgianotaku
come on like we already work till at least till 63 in belgium for exemple( to get a correct pension and we should accept to work longer for less healthcare .. ) so yes your not going to live forever but correct healthcare and pension for people that work like 30 years is rigth .. and it Don't requires high taxations ( to the workers at least ) if we get rid of the fiscal frauds ( 3,8% of the gdp in my country !) and if we tax like 5 % of the big companies we have aleready more than enough for healthcare but apparently no taxation is good for competitivity ( we are like the only country in europe where big companies can pay like No tax at all).. so hey poor people pay instead of the people who have the funds , and no not everyone is poor Under socialism ( with is not the same thing today that in 1930 for god sake ) the small companies are just encouraged to become co-ops for exemple just because the state own the major means of productions dosen't mean that every one is robbed of all their money and sorry but the websites you links are complete propaganda ( in fact every marxist i know have read das kapital includinf myself and to resume all the socio-economic theories by duhhhh marx is racist guys it's the 19th century ... )you can see that they choose side and trust me i Don't read only leftwing books and websites ( i think i should not talk politics in this kind of website b and especially in English ^^ cauz i kinda fear that my sentences hurt the eyes of English-speakers sorry my dudes i speak baguette at the first place xd i can't I can not express properly my thougths like this) and about "communism cannot work cauz humans are egoists fucks" it's the society which condition everyone to think like that if you condition the people to be solidary it will be normal to help each others